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Help with start server on Centos!!! - Printable Version

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Help with start server on Centos!!! - niconhan - 15.03.2013

Problems when start server!!! Please help me
[12:05:23] [debug] #13 00003ce8 in OnGameModeInit () from vnpla.amx
[12:05:23] [debug] #12 ???????? in native CallLocalFunction () from samp03svr
[12:05:23] [debug] #11 0000a564 in SSCANF_OnGameModeInit () from vnpla.amx
[12:05:23] [debug] #10 ???????? in native CallLocalFunction () from samp03svr
[12:05:23] [debug] #9  000111b8 in Itter_OnGameModeInit () from vnpla.amx
[12:05:23] [debug] #8  ???????? in native CallLocalFunction () from samp03svr
[12:05:23] [debug] #7  00017b10 in ScriptInit_OnGameModeInit () from vnpla.amx
[12:05:23] [debug] #6  ???????? in native CallLocalFunction () from samp03svr
[12:05:23] [debug] #5  00026bf8 in S@@_OnGameModeInit () from vnpla.amx
[12:05:23] [debug] #4  ???????? in native CallLocalFunction () from samp03svr
[12:05:23] [debug] #3  000e0a84 in zcmd_OnGameModeInit () from vnpla.amx
[12:05:23] [debug] #2  004c2d78 in ?? () from vnpla.amx
[12:05:23] [debug] #1  0008b548 in ?? () from vnpla.amx
[12:05:23] [debug] #0  ???????? in native fclose () from samp03svr
[12:05:23] [debug] Backtrace (most recent call first):
[12:05:23] [debug] Server crashed while executing vnpla.amx
[12:05:10] [MiscLoad] Misc Loaded
[12:05:10] [LoadCDealerships] 15 dealerships loaded.
[12:05:10] [LoadPoints] 9 points loaded.
[12:05:10] [LoadFamilies] 16 families loaded.
[12:05:10] [LoadElevatorStuff] 20 floors loaded.
[12:05:10] [LoadGates] 4000 gates loaded.
[12:05:10] [LoadEventPoints] 0 event points loaded.
[12:05:10] [LoadPaintballArenas] 10 paintball arenas loaded.
[12:05:10] [LoadTurfWars] 40 turfs loaded.
[12:05:09] Bаi toan cho 20000$ neu ai tra loi dung --> 61 + 32 - 87 + 78 = ?
[12:05:09] [MySQL] (MainPipeline) Connection successful toward MySQL Database Server!
[12:05:09] [MySQL] (Main Pipelines) Connecting to
[12:05:09] This server folder has been put together by Ricky Phelps.
[12:05:09]  ======================================= 
[12:05:09]  |                                     | 
[12:05:09]  |        By Alex "******" Cole        | 
[12:05:09]  |        YSI version 1.06.0002        | 
[12:05:09]  |                                     | 
[12:05:09]  ======================================= 

[12:05:08]   Loaded 4 filterscripts.
[12:05:08]   Loading filterscript 'damage.amx'...
[12:05:08]   Loading filterscript 'vactions.amx'...
[12:05:08] *** Streamer Plugin: Include file version (0x26104) does not match plugin version (0x26105) (script needs to be recompiled with the latest include file)
[12:05:08]   Loading filterscript 'ncustom.amx'...
[12:05:08] *** Streamer Plugin: Include file version (0x26104) does not match plugin version (0x26105) (script needs to be recompiled with the latest include file)
[12:05:07]   Loading filterscript 'yom_buttons.amx'...
[12:05:07] ---------------
[12:05:07] Filterscripts
[12:05:07]  Loaded: samp.ban
[12:05:07] --------
[12:05:07] Ban list

[12:05:07]  Loaded 5 plugins.
[12:05:07]   Loaded.
[12:05:07]   crashdetect v4.5.1 is OK.
[12:05:07]  Loading plugin:
[12:05:07]   Loaded.
[12:05:07]  ==================
[12:05:07]   Whirlpool loaded
[12:05:07]  ==================
[12:05:07]  Loading plugin:
[12:05:07]   Loaded.

  > MySQL plugin R7 successfully loaded.

[12:05:07]  Loading plugin:
[12:05:07]   Loaded.

[12:05:07]  ===============================

[12:05:07]    0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"

[12:05:07]    © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[12:05:07]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[12:05:07]  ===============================

[12:05:07]  Loading plugin:
[12:05:07]   Loaded.

*** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[12:05:07]  Loading plugin:
[12:05:07] --------------
[12:05:07] Server Plugins

v0.3x, ©2005-2013 SA-MP Team
SA-MP Dedicated Server

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

Re: Help with start server on Centos!!! - ColorHost-Kevin - 15.03.2013

[12:05:08] *** Streamer Plugin: Include file version (0x26104) does not match plugin version (0x26105) (script needs to be recompiled with the latest include file)
[12:05:08] Loading filterscript 'ncustom.amx'...
[12:05:08] *** Streamer Plugin: Include file version (0x26104) does not match plugin version (0x26105) (script needs to be recompiled with the latest include file)

You need to recomplied you script to match versions for Streamer.

Re: Help with start server on Centos!!! - AnaC - 15.03.2013

Add me on skype to help you gregor.kouk