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setting more than 1 checkpoint? - Printable Version

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setting more than 1 checkpoint? - Saw® - 14.03.2013

Hey , I tried to set two checkpoints can be seen in the minimap but one hides the other , so I see only one , how to set like more than 1 in the same time?

Re: setting more than 1 checkpoint? - Bakr - 14.03.2013


Important Note: Checkpoints are asynchronous, meaning only one can be shown at a time.

Wiki, bro?

Re: setting more than 1 checkpoint? - Scenario - 14.03.2013

Use a streamer. Incognito's Streamer Plugin has some exceptional functions for checkpoints.

Re: setting more than 1 checkpoint? - Saw® - 14.03.2013

thank you both , so it can't be done without a plugin , nevermind I don't want to use it...

Re: setting more than 1 checkpoint? - Patrick - 14.03.2013

Saw® if you dont want to use anyone above. you can use mapicon so the player still know's where's the other checkpoint while the first checkpoint is showing.