[help]OnPlayerUpdate uses -
Mrich - 14.03.2013
Anyone know what can we do in OnPlayerUpdate ? I give example : I want apply something when a variable changes , so should I do codes under OnPlayerUpdate ?
Re: [help]OnPlayerUpdate uses -
LarzI - 14.03.2013
I'd recommend making a function that you'll call when changing the variable, and inside that function do whatever you want to do.
pawn Код:
MyVariable = newvalue;
// my stuff
// Somewhere when I'm changing the variable:
Re: [help]OnPlayerUpdate uses -
MP2 - 14.03.2013
If a variable changes, you KNOW when it changes (because YOU changed it with an operation) so why would you want to check thousands of times a second if it was changed? Just call a function to set the variable, and in that function do whatever.
EDIT: @LarzI beat me by a max of 15 seconds :/
Re: [help]OnPlayerUpdate uses -
[ABK]Antonio - 14.03.2013
It depends on what you want to do. If you need to call something for a player roughly 25 times per second (which stacks, so 10 players = 25*10 calls per second) then you would use OnPlayerUpdate.
Re: [help]OnPlayerUpdate uses -
Mrich - 14.03.2013
thank you , I really wanna do like killingstreak system
pawn Код:
//made a triple kill!
else if(...)
Re: [help]OnPlayerUpdate uses -
Vince - 14.03.2013
That's what OnPlayerDeath is for.
Re: [help]OnPlayerUpdate uses -
Mrich - 14.03.2013
ok ,but on question : Is adding conditions in OnPlayerDeath will abord the server readin other codes ?
pawn Код:
Public onplayerdeath
//I will here add killing streak with condiitions
//and here are +score & others thing that are called on player death
so will it read the conditions only & stop or contunues?
Re: [help]OnPlayerUpdate uses -
LarzI - 14.03.2013
The code will only stop if you return a value or if you use goto(confirm this, please, as I am not entirely sure). If you don't do either, the code will run until it reaches the end of the callback (The last closing brace)
Re: [help]OnPlayerUpdate uses -
Mrich - 14.03.2013
thank you ! so it will contunue (cause I have no returns or 'contunue'.. only conditions)