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server missing plugins - Printable Version

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server missing plugins - Mr.Dexter - 11.03.2013

my server wont start when i click start on volt host it says i need plugins:
64 bit Linux CentOS / Generic .so plugins
what do i do to fix this and where do i find them

i will add an attachment of the picture of what happens

Re: server missing plugins - Yves - 11.03.2013

I take it you needing this! Also if you cant get on Filezila make a support ticket.

Re: server missing plugins - Mr.Dexter - 11.03.2013

which one do i download and do i just put in my plugins folder

Re: server missing plugins - Yves - 11.03.2013

Linux .so: and yes add it to your plugin folder then recompile the gamemode script!

Re: server missing plugins - Mr.Dexter - 11.03.2013

what recompile mean sorry i dont script am and not good with samp

Re: server missing plugins - Mr.Dexter - 11.03.2013

right i looked in my server.cfg file and it says i have all the plugins but they arnt in my plugins folder is that ment to be or not

Re: server missing plugins - kaisersouse - 11.03.2013

YEs, those files need to be in the plugins folder