Skins for a new gang -
DiGiTaL_AnGeL - 08.03.2013
Hi. I know it tooks much time to create a new skin, but I was wondering if the SA:MP team could add some new skins(at least 3) for a new gang. It doesn't matters the color(red) but it would be really useful. I'm working on a RP gm and I ran out of skins for gangs. There wasn't any new skins since 0.3d...
P.S. Don't spam this topic if you're not a beta-tester or Kye.
Re: Skins for a new gang -
thegreathom - 08.03.2013
You can also try to create your own custom mods for your servers, I know some rфle-play french servers who use they custom and not the samp customs so with some normal civilians they personalise it to «prisoniers, etc..»
samp custom = samp.img
Re: Skins for a new gang -
DiGiTaL_AnGeL - 09.03.2013
What? SAMP does not support mods. If you edit samp.img only you'll see the skins, not all the players.
Re: Skins for a new gang -
CePaX - 11.03.2013
this would be very useful
Re: Skins for a new gang -
kaisersouse - 11.03.2013
locking to prevent spam
Re: Skins for a new gang -
RayW - 11.03.2013