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[Map] [GTA SA-MP] Swat / Police training Zone in LoSantos - Printable Version

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[GTA SA-MP] Swat / Police training Zone in LoSantos - crazyfalco - 08.03.2013

[GTA SA-MP] Swat / Police training Zone in LoSantos

Hi guys,
today I want to show my Swat / Police training Zone in LoSantos

• Info •
This map includes:
Shooting Zone
Car test zone

• Video •

[ame=""]******* Video[/ame]

• Download •
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CreateObject(1225, 1776.5, -2057.69995, 13, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1225, 1771.90002, -2058, 13, 0, 0, 0);

Re: [GTA SA-MP] Swat / Police training Zone in LoSantos - mgd - 08.03.2013

Nice map i like it

Re: [GTA SA-MP] Swat / Police training Zone in LoSantos - crazyfalco - 09.03.2013

Thanks For All

Re: [GTA SA-MP] Swat / Police training Zone in LoSantos - iFear - 09.03.2013

Very cool map bro

Re: [GTA SA-MP] Swat / Police training Zone in LoSantos - crazyfalco - 10.03.2013

Thank you, bro

Re: [GTA SA-MP] Swat / Police training Zone in LoSantos - AnonWare - 10.03.2013

Not bad.

Re: [GTA SA-MP] Swat / Police training Zone in LoSantos - N0FeaR - 10.03.2013

Good work 8/10

Re: [GTA SA-MP] Swat / Police training Zone in LoSantos - MatriXScoT - 10.03.2013

Hey, nice map.

Next time when you're making something similar you could use these objects, Here a screenshot

Hope I helped

Re: [GTA SA-MP] Swat / Police training Zone in LoSantos - TerrorDrone - 10.03.2013

Kinda unrealistic,which is a problem if it's ment for Roleplay servers.

However,MatriXScoT has a point,you should use some realistic targets.

Re: [GTA SA-MP] Swat / Police training Zone in LoSantos - Madox123 - 11.03.2013

Originally Posted by TerrorDrone
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Kinda unrealistic,which is a problem if it's ment for Roleplay servers.

However,MatriXScoT has a point,you should use some realistic targets.