DIVM + Ladmin - Printable Version
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DIVM + Ladmin -
THENZSTONER - 01.03.2013
hi there!
im trying to make this
https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=418525 work with this
ive tryed over several days but no luck im only a decent scripter so im not all knowledged up like some people
Can someone (in great detail but still down to a simple level) explain how it would work
or, if someone feels like it do it and leave notes on how it works etc
either way i would like to learn =)
thanks in advance
Re: DIVM + Ladmin -
CJay9209 - 21.03.2013
just looking at the LAdmin system I dunno how compatible it would be with th DIVM system but it should be a simple case of using the makeadmin command built into my include after a player registers and logs in.