Destroying Dynamic3DTextLabels... - Printable Version
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Destroying Dynamic3DTextLabels... -
CrossOv3r - 28.02.2013
Hey guys.. i have a problem destroying an specific Dynamic3DTextLabel (Incognito's Plugin/Function).
Well i have an in-game system that allows to create "IG Shops" , i say that just for make you an idea, When a "shop" is created that creates an
Dynamic3DTextLabel and assigned to a variable
pawn Код:
InfoTienda[id][tLabelID] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(
The above code, is used 2 Times...
First, when i use /createshop. And
Second, when have to Load the "shops" once time the server is restarted.
The Issue/Problem/Bug
To upgrade and do better the system, i make a function to Delete the "shop" (
Dynamic3DTextLabel), This is the function
pawn Код:
public DeleteShop(idshop)
new file[64];
InfoTienda[idshop][tID] = 0;
InfoTienda[idshop][tX] = 0.0;
InfoTienda[idshop][tY] = 0.0;
InfoTienda[idshop][tZ] = 0.0;
InfoTienda[idshop][tID] = -1;
return 0;
So.. the issues are the next one:
1. If you creates a shop whit /createshop.. and after that you try to delete it whit /deleteshop... the INI files deletes fine, but the Dynamic3DTextLabel doesn't destroy
2. TIP: If you creates a shop whit /createshop, after that you restart the server.. enter and use /deleteshop, finally the Dynamic3DTextLabel is destroyed (But isnt good for me, because i dont want restart the server all the times).
Regards and thanks for read and help.
PD: If you think you need more information to help me, just say me to post it the code