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[0.3x] OnGameModeExit & OnPlayerConnect & Others Bugs - Printable Version

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[0.3x] OnGameModeExit & OnPlayerConnect & Others Bugs - Brokenbreaken - 27.02.2013

At 0.3x:
At 0.3e and older versions: So... May fix it?

#Edit 1:

At 0.3x:

Client can't see anything and is kicked.

At 0.3e and older versions:

Client see everything and is kicked.

Re: [0.3x] OnGameModeExit & OnPlayerConnect & Others Bugs - CoaPsyFactor - 27.02.2013

I have same problem, I solved it with timer first show message, then after 1 sek kick...

Re: [0.3x] OnGameModeExit & OnPlayerConnect & Others Bugs - Sgt.TheDarkness - 27.02.2013

It's not a bug!

It's been coded, so when Kick or ban is called, it will automatically close the connection, because of some "hack" attempt or whatever, To fix this, just make a 500ms timer and then use your own ban/kick function


Re: [0.3x] OnGameModeExit & OnPlayerConnect & Others Bugs - Neil. - 28.02.2013

This should fix that issue.

pawn Код:
/In order to display a message (eg. reason) for the player before the connection is closed you have to use a delay:
forward KickPublic(playerid);
public KickPublic(playerid) { Kick(playerid); }
stock KickWithMessage(playerid, message[])
    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF4444FF, message);
    SetTimerEx("KickPublic", 1000, 0, "d", playerid);   //Delay of 1 second before kicking the player so he recieves the message
//Sample Usage
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
    if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/kickme", true) == 0)
        //Kicks the player who the executed this command
        KickWithMessage(playerid, "You have been kicked.");
        return 1;
    return 0;
//by Kye

Re: [0.3x] OnGameModeExit & OnPlayerConnect & Others Bugs - AaronFarley - 28.02.2013

Yeah that helped me. Thanks man!

Re: [0.3x] OnGameModeExit & OnPlayerConnect & Others Bugs - Locky_ - 20.03.2013

Sorry for reviving the topic, but I have a serious problem in my onplayerconnect, moreover, is not just me. Use the game mode PPC_Trucking, with enough updates, but the update of SA: MP 0.3x, never hear problems in earlier versions of kick. The kicks would lose connection in 0.3e

But now the problem is different, now that I put in the SetTimer native Kick, happens to connect the player and take kick for no reason, and he reconnecting, connects normally.

I do not know what causes it, already reviewed the game mode entirely.
Use: sscanf

I hope you have any idea what this going on in my game mode.

Re: [0.3x] OnGameModeExit & OnPlayerConnect & Others Bugs - Scenario - 20.03.2013

You can hook the Kick() function to prevent this issue...

pawn Код:
stock realKick(playerid)
    defer delayKickPlayer(playerid);
    return playerid;

#if defined _ALS_Kick
    #undef Kick
#define _ALS_Kick
    #define Kick realKick

timer delayKickPlayer[500](playerid)
    return 1;