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Houses interior teleporter - Printable Version

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Houses interior teleporter - PaulDinam - 26.02.2013

I couldn't find any filterscript or something else..

Respuesta: Houses interior teleporter - Strier - 27.02.2013

Well.. you could create an /enter, /exit command if they stand in the front of the house..

/enter would set their interior world the interior has.
/exit would set their position back (infront of the house) and the interior to 0.

Things you're gonna use: // if the player is not near the house entrancy /enter wont work, same for /exit. // this will help you too... < common sense..

In setplayer pos you'll add the X Y Z Cords...
in setplayerinterior you'll add the ID (Interior)..

and you're done, i hope you meant this.

Re: Houses interior teleporter - PaulDinam - 27.02.2013

No.. lol.. I have a house system, and i'm looking for house interiors.

Re: Houses interior teleporter - Yves - 27.02.2013

you can also make them

Re: Houses interior teleporter - lean1337 - 27.02.2013