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[Map] 5 Floor, Mansion Interior. - Printable Version

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5 Floor, Mansion Interior. - xxSwissxx - 22.02.2013

Ahoy there, I haven't posted a map in awhile :O
Anyhow, my PC Crashed a few weeks, ago and destroyed all my maps with it.
So well, this is the one I've been working on in the last two days... ( No Life :3 )

Le, Faqs.
Why, are there no doors?
Because, I've seen some houses lately without doors.
These, houses really appealed to me so I though... Truck the Doors!

The door, and First lounge area.
Nice, Simple area to relax really.
Nothing too much.

The Kitchen, and Dining Areas.
Cook, your food and relax.
I feel like, with all the rooms in this it has added detail.

Walking, to the second floor....
Made easy?

Second floors, Lobby like area?
a Place, on the second floor...
With a couch.

Stairs, to the third floor.
Mo' Money? Nah bro...
More stairs.

Second Floor, bedroom.
a Place, to sleep? or to slumber..?

Third Floor lounge.
Don't touch the couch Toni, Would your ma' agree?
-Didn't think so.

The bathroom?
Horrible, Horrible looking.

Third Floor, Bedroom.

Fourth Floor, Storage area.
There's nothing up there in the pwn codes, cause I had no clue what to put in there.
The boxes, are there for the picture -.-

Dark - GamerX For the Object IDS.
Badbul, and this Post for the Camera.

JernejL, For liking Turtles, and The Map Editor I used...
SA:MP Team, for SA:MP?

Location, Location Location!
Looking, for the map is easy, Really Easy.
I'm not going to write down the Coordinates, for one reason the Map location is easy to find, and I'll show you how.


CreateObject(19378, -159.85, 1779.27, -100.86, 0.00, 90.00, 0.00);

That, is the First code from the Maps, Codes.
You'll see the Following..



With that in sight, After that comes..


-159.85, 1779.27, -100.86

Then, the rest which is a bunch of 0's in the right mind, Now the code in that quote, is the Location of the Map..

Using, them is easy.

zGaming - /gotopos 1235.76, -744.05, 1085.53 0 ( the map, is in the 0 Interioratre World. )
Whatever, Server had this Command - /gotopoint 1235.76, -744.05, 1085.53 0

And, you'll be there, But if you feel as if adding it into the Server is ridiculous, and there's a easy way?
There is, Cow.

Up the top, of the map editor You'll see point Camera too these Coordinates, Just, Grab the Code of Location in the case of this Map it would Be..


CreateObject(19377, 1235.76, -744.05, 1085.53, 0.00, 90.00, 90.00);

Copy, it and paste it in there, then Hit the Button!
You're there.

Re: 5 Floor, Mansion Interior. - Waazzeeer - 23.02.2013

Good map il use it

Re: 5 Floor, Mansion Interior. - Stefan_Merce - 23.02.2013

I really like this map mind if i use it ?

Re: 5 Floor, Mansion Interior. - KP2 - 23.02.2013

G map!

Re: 5 Floor, Mansion Interior. - Jerome_Mcwilliams - 23.02.2013


Re: 5 Floor, Mansion Interior. - xxSwissxx - 24.02.2013

Thanks Guys!

Kinda Bumped this, considering the 22 Posts that got spammed in here, instead of Screenshots and Videos..

AW: 5 Floor, Mansion Interior. - NaS - 24.02.2013

Looks really good, but the bathroom doesn't fit to the rest of the house I think
Good job!

Re: AW: 5 Floor, Mansion Interior. - xxSwissxx - 25.02.2013

Originally Posted by NaS
View Post
Looks really good, but the bathroom doesn't fit to the rest of the house I think
Good job!
Kinda rushed.

Re: 5 Floor, Mansion Interior. - GamerX54 - 25.02.2013


Re: 5 Floor, Mansion Interior. - Mac-10 - 25.02.2013
