error 008: must be a constant expression; assumed zero -
newbienoob - 21.02.2013
pawn Код:
if (!sscanf(string, "p<\">'object''model='d'interior='d'dimension='d'posX='f'posY='f'posZ='f'rotX='f'rotY='f'rotZ='f", modelid, interior, world, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz))
//modelid x y z rx ry rz interior world
CreateDynamicObjectEx(modelid, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, 500, 500, {world}, {interior});//error 008: must be a constant expression; assumed zero
Re: error 008: must be a constant expression; assumed zero -
newbienoob - 22.02.2013
Re: error 008: must be a constant expression; assumed zero -
RajatPawar - 22.02.2013
That is not the format, it's not like format or mysql!
This is wrong:
pawn Код:
if(sscanf(string, "rot = %d", rot))..
This is right.
pawn Код:
if(sscanf((string, "d", rot))
I hope you can fix it now!
Re: error 008: must be a constant expression; assumed zero -
TrueForYourSelf - 22.02.2013
Did you use something something like that?
Re: error 008: must be a constant expression; assumed zero -
newbienoob - 22.02.2013
No, there's nothing wrong there. I've got the correct x/y/z coords, world, and interior id. But the problem is here
CreateDynamicObjectEx(modelid, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, 500, 500,
{world}, {interior});
EDIT: @ above: no
Re: error 008: must be a constant expression; assumed zero -
TrueForYourSelf - 22.02.2013
As I asked did you use some randomWQold and randomInteriror?
then the problem is in []
Re: error 008: must be a constant expression; assumed zero -
RajatPawar - 22.02.2013
How about trying to substitute {world} and {interior} with -1? Just sayin!
Re: error 008: must be a constant expression; assumed zero -
newbienoob - 22.02.2013
I want the objects to be in different world.
Re: error 008: must be a constant expression; assumed zero -
RajatPawar - 22.02.2013
Then specify the world. Maybe something like GetPlayerInterior(playerid).
Re: error 008: must be a constant expression; assumed zero -
newbienoob - 22.02.2013
The object's world id is not same.
Object1 = World 1
Object2 = World23
... etc