Hi guys. SA-MP is a mod for San Andreas that allows multiplayer. The version out now does NOT support Steam. That can be worked around. Just follow these steps. 1. Go to http://www.sa-mp.com/download.php and download the client. 2. Go to http://www.freeinfosociety.com/site.php?postnum=867 to download a 1.0 SA EXE. 3. Open up the file from step 2 and get out the EXE and put it in C:/Program Files/Valve/Steam/Steamapps/Common/GrandtheftautoSanAndreas (Make sure you rename the EXE that originally came with steam before putting this one in there. I name the steam one GTA-SA(steam) just so I don't get them mixed up). 4. Run the client you got from SA-MP.com It will ask you where to install... Install to C:/Program Files/Valve/Steam/Steamapps/Common/GrandtheftautoSanAndreas 5. MAKE SURE THE EXE THAT CAME WITH STEAM IS RENAMED SOMETHING ELSE AND THE ONE YOU DOWNLOADED IS GTA-SA. Also do not run it through steam. 6. Now open up 'samp' in your San Andreas files and it will ask you where you installed it (see # 3) Create a username and when you try and join a server it will ask for password. Dont mind that, just hit connect and boom. Profit. 7. YOU CANNOT PLAY THE REGULAR SAN ANDREAS THROUGH STEAM WITH THE EXE YOU DOWNLOADED. YOU MUST RENAME THE EXE YOU DOWNLOADED TO SOMETHING LIKE GTA-SA (mp) AND THEN RENAME THE EXE YOU GOT FROM STEAM BACK TO GTA-SA. 8. Have fun (Note: Once you get in game and at the menu and stuff in GTA, you must press RETURN, default key, ENTER to select a button, not click). IF ALL ELSE FAILS WHEN YOU TRY TO INSTALL AND IT WONT LET YOU, THE BUTTON STAYS GREY AND YOU'VE DONE EVERYTHING RIGHT, RUN THE CLIENT AS ADMINISTRATOR. There ya go. Post feedback and/or questions below. Thank you. -Noah |