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[Question] How to remove object - Printable Version

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[Question] How to remove object - Sliceofdeath - 16.02.2013

I am using other gamemodes and wanna remove Sh** , can someone tell how to remove objects from map ?

Please help me

Thank you in advance


Re: [Question] How to remove object - Scenario - 16.02.2013


or, if you don't even want to LOAD the objects, find the CreateObject line(s) and remove them from your mode.

Re: [Question] How to remove object - ViruZz - 16.02.2013

He means, he wants to remove the original objects that is in the game itself.

pawn Код:
native RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, modelid, Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ, Float:fRadius)

Re: [Question] How to remove object - Sliceofdeath - 16.02.2013

But i dont even know what is Codes of that map :/

Re: [Question] How to remove object - S0n1COwnsYou - 16.02.2013

this tool is good for RemoveBuildingForPlayer();