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OnPlayerDeath. - Printable Version

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OnPlayerDeath. - audriuxxx - 13.02.2013


When this call back is called, can i save player weapons?

Re: OnPlayerDeath. - LarzI - 13.02.2013

Have you tried? If you do, you will find out. However I think you cannot.

Re: OnPlayerDeath. - Da_Noob - 13.02.2013

You can make a system that store the player weapons, and when a player dies, just give them their weapons again.

Re: OnPlayerDeath. - Mmartin - 13.02.2013


[17:08:03] Player Mmartin died. Weapon data below.
[17:08:03] **DEATH** Slot 0, Weapon 0, Ammo 0.
[17:08:03] **DEATH** Slot 1, Weapon 3, Ammo 10000.
[17:08:03] **DEATH** Slot 2, Weapon 24, Ammo 10000.
[17:08:03] **DEATH** Slot 3, Weapon 25, Ammo 10000.
[17:08:03] **DEATH** Slot 4, Weapon 0, Ammo 0.
[17:08:03] **DEATH** Slot 5, Weapon 0, Ammo 0.
[17:08:03] **DEATH** Slot 6, Weapon 0, Ammo 0.
[17:08:03] **DEATH** Slot 7, Weapon 35, Ammo 10000.
[17:08:03] **DEATH** Slot 8, Weapon 0, Ammo 0.
[17:08:03] **DEATH** Slot 9, Weapon 0, Ammo 0.
[17:08:03] **DEATH** Slot 10, Weapon 0, Ammo 0.
[17:08:03] **DEATH** Slot 11, Weapon 0, Ammo 0.
[17:08:03] **DEATH** Slot 12, Weapon 0, Ammo 0.

Refer to GetPlayerWeaponData and OnPlayerDeath.