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spamming - pelani - 11.02.2013

look at script when civil can shoot a plaayer or cop so they spam i want make it they don't spam

PHP код:
public OnPlayerGiveDamage(playeriddamagedidFloatamountweaponid)
GetTeam{playerid} == CLASS_CIV && IsPlayerHoldingAGun(playerid) == 1)
shotsfired[playerid] += 2;
shotsfired[playerid] == && shotsfired[playerid] != 1)
current_zone Player_Zone[playerid];
SetPlayerWantedLevel(playeridGetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid) + 3);
format(stringsizeof(string), "Crime in progress! %s (%d) has assaulted %s (%d) with a deadly weapon - Location:  %s"GetName(playerid), playeridGetName(damagedid), damagedidZoneNames[current_zone][zone_name]);
format(fstrsizeof(fstr), "Committed A Crime: Assault With A Deadly Weapon - Wanted Level %d - Ticketable"GetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid));
shotsfired[playerid] = 1;
shotsfired{playerid} = SetTimerEx("shotsfired"100000true"d"i);
current_zone Player_Zone[playerid];
SetPlayerWantedLevel(playeridGetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid) + 6);
format(stringsizeof(string), "Crime in progress! %s (%d) has assaulted %s (%d) with a deadly weapon - Location:  %s"GetName(playerid), playeridGetName(damagedid), damagedidZoneNames[current_zone][zone_name]);
format(fstrsizeof(fstr), "Committed A Crime: Assault With A Deadly Weapon - Wanted Level %d - Arrestable"GetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid));
shotsfired[playerid] = 1;
shotsfired{playerid} = SetTimerEx("shotsfired"100000true"d"i);

i added timer system but didn;t worked. "shotsfired{playerid} = SetTimerEx("shotsfired", 100000, true, "d", i);"

and pls make it they dnt spamming after 3 shoot and then see that msg to player

Re: spamming - MP2 - 11.02.2013

Why do you have a foreach loop when you don't do anything with it..?

The best way to make an anti-spam (IMO) is this (without ANY timers):

pawn Код:
new pAntiSpam[MAX_PLAYERS]; // Don't call it this..
public SomeEvent(playerid)
    if(gettime()-pAntiSpam[playerid] > 10) // It's been at least 10 seconds since we sent the last message
        pAntiSpam[playerid] = gettime();
    return 1;
You should use GetTickCount (instead of gettime) if you want an anti-spam that is accurate to the milisecond. gettime() may be up to 0.999999.. seconds off. Not a problem when it's something like 10 seconds.

Re: spamming - pelani - 12.02.2013

Originally Posted by MP2
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Why do you have a foreach loop when you don't do anything with it..?

The best way to make an anti-spam (IMO) is this (without ANY timers):

pawn Код:
new pAntiSpam[MAX_PLAYERS]; // Don't call it this..
public SomeEvent(playerid)
    if(gettime()-pAntiSpam[playerid] > 10) // It's been at least 10 seconds since we sent the last message
        pAntiSpam[playerid] = gettime();
    return 1;
You should use GetTickCount (instead of gettime) if you want an anti-spam that is accurate to the milisecond. gettime() may be up to 0.999999.. seconds off. Not a problem when it's something like 10 seconds.
i rly dont understand, it's work on crime? or this is game msg anti spam