How to make kilometers system - Printable Version
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How to make kilometers system -
WiPaS - 08.02.2013
Hi all,
Who could help me to make a kilometers for cars. I was trying to make it, but i got a lot of errors.
Thank you for answers.
Re: How to make kilometers system -
Vexus - 08.02.2013
So are you looking to make this for a speedometer or what?
Re: How to make kilometers system -
WiPaS - 08.02.2013
I already have speedometer. I want to make kilometers for cars and show they in textdraw.
Re: How to make kilometers system -
RajatPawar - 08.02.2013
If you have a speedometer, there's a constant you multiply with the x, y and z speeds you get from GetVehicleVelocity. Change that constant to something more, you should get the result. Or ****** it.