Checkpoint doesn't show on mapped interior - Patrick - 06.02.2013
Title Says All: Checkpoint doesn't show on mapped interior
even when im near, i can still see the message but the checkpoint doesn't show
is there any possible to let the checkpoint show on mapped interior?
Re: Checkpoint doesn't show on mapped interior -
Scenario - 06.02.2013
It shouldn't make a difference. Can you show the function you're using to create the checkpoint?
Re: Checkpoint doesn't show on mapped interior -
MP2 - 06.02.2013
Checkpoints have never worked on server-created objects. There's no fix for this. Use a pickup.
Re: Checkpoint doesn't show on mapped interior - Patrick - 06.02.2013
pawn Код:
//Checkpoint Define
#define CP_CinemaMain 1
#define MAX_POINTS 2
new Float:checkCoords[MAX_POINTS][4] = //area check of checkpoint
{2176.2717,-1041.3190,2195.3367,-1009.4326}//Cinema Robbery
new Float:checkpoints[MAX_POINTS][4] = //Checkpoint coordinates where checkpoint will show
{2179.6057,-1036.0186,1015.9160,2.0}//Cinema Robbery
new checkpointType[MAX_POINTS] =
CP_CinemaMain//Cinema Robbery
thats my checkpoint
Re: Checkpoint doesn't show on mapped interior -
Scenario - 06.02.2013
Originally Posted by MP2
Checkpoints have never worked on server-created objects. There's no fix for this. Use a pickup.
I'm fairly certain I have had checkpoints work on server-created objects in the past. Although, I'm probably thinking of something else.
Re: Checkpoint doesn't show on mapped interior - Patrick - 06.02.2013
i have 1 tried on created also on mapped interior it was fine but here it doesn't here's the picture, because i tried everytime there is a mapped interior i know that the checkpoint is flying but its still wroking but on the cinema is not working which also not showing anything
Mapped Picture that checkpoint is working
Re: Checkpoint doesn't show on mapped interior -
CmZxC - 06.02.2013
MAX_POINTS should be 1, CP_Cinema should be 0, don't know if that would change anything.
You have other checkpoint overriding current checkpoint's areas, make sure the area is small enough for the CP you can see in 1st picture ( red dot on radar specifies you being in another checkpoint's area )
Re: Checkpoint doesn't show on mapped interior - Patrick - 06.02.2013
Problem Fixed!
I forgot putting different Virtual World and Interior, thanks to all who tried to help