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Crash/Freeze on quit - Printable Version

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Crash/Freeze on quit - MP2 - 04.02.2013

When I quit (/q) my game freezes. Sometimes for a few seconds (10 or 15), but sometimes what seems never-ending (I have to reboot). I don't get any sort of error at all. Not sure what else I can say. It doesn't happen EVERY TIME I quit, but it can happen on ANY server.

EDIT: If I go out to sea (X: 6000 Y: 6000 Z: 0) it doesn't happen; I quit straight away. Something to do with objects in the world?

Re: Crash/Freeze on quit - zohartrejx - 04.02.2013

Did you tried Reintsalling SA-MP?
Do you have any mods? Also in Singleplayer Object Mods if you have, it happend to me.
Also, try to set graphic to little lower it will maybe Help.
What if you Click ESC - Quit Game ? Does it happen still? If not, then PM me i'll help you

Re: Crash/Freeze on quit - Odedara - 04.02.2013

Remove Extra mods and Re-Install SA-MP and hope it will be fixed

Re: Crash/Freeze on quit - Gingster - 04.02.2013

Try to reinstall GTA San Andreas, or reinstall samp and uninstall mods.

Re: Crash/Freeze on quit - SuperViper - 04.02.2013

Try to press enter once it freezes. I had the same issue during 0.3e where it would get stuck at a black screen but that was because it stopped responding and couldn't finish closing itself. All I had to do was press enter to close the not responding box and it terminated the process.

Re: Crash/Freeze on quit - CROStalker - 04.02.2013

Simply press enter i had problem with that to.

Re: Crash/Freeze on quit - Lordzy - 04.02.2013

As some of the above posts tell, it can happen because of modifications. I also had an experience like this when I coded many stuffs under 'OnPlayerDisconnect' callback. Try reducing the codes you've done under it or reduce resolution, change visual quality to Low, draw distance to 0 and reduce frame limiter. Hope it helps.