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[FilterScript] Anti-speed hack to drift and stunt server - Printable Version

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Anti-speed hack to drift and stunt server - 007Skyfall - 02.02.2013

Hi again guys, here an anti-speed hack by me to you, is very simple and have a Russian style That supports the speed
And it does not increase is very simple that no need images...

Here the code:

// Anti Speed-hack by 007Skyfall to Forum samp do not remove credits.

#include <a_samp>
#if defined FILTERSCRIPT
public OnGameModeInit()

	return 1;

forward AntiSpeedHack();
public AntiSpeedHack()
for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(ObtenerVelocidad(i)> 230)
case 0,511,460,592,577,512,513,520,553,593,476,519: printf("[ID: %d] has used a speed-hack, and will be banned %skm/h",i,GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(i)),ObtenerVelocidad(i));
new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z;
GetPlayerPos(i, X, Y, Z);
SendClientMessage(i, 0xFF0000FF,"[Anti-Hack]No speedhack Or you will banned!");
SetPlayerPos(i, X, Y, Z+5);
stock ObtenerVelocidad(playerid)
new Float:PosX, Float:PosY, Float:PosZ, Float:PlayerSpeedDistance;
GetVehicleVelocity(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), PosX, PosY, PosZ);
PlayerSpeedDistance = floatmul(floatsqroot(floatadd(floatadd(floatpower( PosX, 2), floatpower(PosY, 2)), floatpower(PosZ, 2))), 170.0);
new spe = floatround(PlayerSpeedDistance * 1);
return spe;
Or Download:


Thanks and remember i am spanish, so sorry for my bad english

Re: Anti-speed hack to drift and stunt server - DrAke$ - 02.02.2013

Occasionally there may be bugs in addition to the use of id 0

Respuesta: Anti-speed hack to drift and stunt server - RiChArD_A - 03.02.2013

Mm looks nice I'll use it!

PD: yo tambien hablo espaсol jaja naci en cuba.

Re: Anti-speed hack to drift and stunt server - ThePhenix - 03.02.2013

Awful indentation..

Use pawn tags next time.

Re: Anti-speed hack to drift and stunt server - Alvon - 03.02.2013

There is nothing appealing about filterscript have you created. Pardon me for saying so.

Note - Do not be offended. Because it is only an opinion.


Re: Anti-speed hack to drift and stunt server - Killa[DGZ] - 03.02.2013

Originally Posted by Alvon
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There is nothing appealing about filterscript have you created. Pardon me for saying so.

Note - Do not be offended. Because it is only an opinion.
I think he's done a good job to be honest, it can be greatly improved yes.. but c'mon it's alright for his first release, I believe some people will find it useful..

weldone 007Skyfall

I'll be looking forward to some of your more superior releases in future Alvon

Re: Anti-speed hack to drift and stunt server - 007Skyfall - 03.02.2013

Originally Posted by Killa[DGZ]
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I think he's done a good job to be honest, it can be greatly improved yes.. but c'mon it's alright for his first release, I believe some people will find it useful..

weldone 007Skyfall

I'll be looking forward to some of your more superior releases in future Alvon
Oh!, thx im new on this and... i dont understand very well this language of script sorry...