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MYSQL lag on update - Printable Version

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MYSQL lag on update - omario - 31.01.2013

My server has been lagging since yesterday, when i re-scripted my mysql account system
i found that the server stops working, when i update any field, for about 10sec

that's the updating stock which i use:

pawn Код:
stock MySQL_UpdateInt(const AccountName[], const FieldName[], IntValue)
    new query[512];
    format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `accounts` SET `%s` = '%d' WHERE `Username` = '%s'", FieldName, intValue, Account);
    return 1;
Please tell me a way to solve this problem
sorry for bad english

Re: MYSQL lag on update - Vince - 31.01.2013

Where do you use this? Twenty times, In a MAX_PLAYER loop, that is on a timer, that runs every second?

Re: MYSQL lag on update - omario - 31.01.2013

i found the problem. it is that i use it on stock that saves all player variables, not the variable which i want to save