Best things to do for a Grand Opening? -
StuartD - 31.01.2013
Well my server will be opening tomorrow and I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas of like activites etc we could do? As it could be a bit boring with just a little meeting and some fireworks :3 so yeh :P any ideas?
Re: Best things to do for a Grand Opening? -
Sinner - 31.01.2013
Free special stuff for the first 100 registrations? So when your server exists for a long time those players can say, hey we were there from the beginning
Re: Best things to do for a Grand Opening? -
V1ceC1ty - 31.01.2013
A well made trailer can bring quite a few players
Re: Best things to do for a Grand Opening? -
StuartD - 31.01.2013
Its not really about getting people at the moment! I meant like things ingame! For example we are getting a firework display

But I just need some other ideas :3
Re: Best things to do for a Grand Opening? -
MP2 - 31.01.2013
Depends how 'grand' it is.
Re: Best things to do for a Grand Opening? -
Madeline - 31.01.2013
Creative ideas. They're the ones which can mainly make your server 'grand'
Re: Best things to do for a Grand Opening? -
StuartD - 31.01.2013
hmm So what would you suggest?
OffTopic::Sorry Si|ent
Re: Best things to do for a Grand Opening? -
Saadat - 31.01.2013
add, ..:

|GRAND OPENING||::.. ServerName
This will attract some players for sure,
Then fireworks,
And as Sinner said,
Special stuff for free 100 registrations.
Re: Best things to do for a Grand Opening? -
weedarr - 31.01.2013
For a grand opening the best thing to do is open.
Re: Best things to do for a Grand Opening? -
Haydn - 31.01.2013
Originally Posted by weedarr
For a grand opening the best thing to do is open.
You sir, are fantastic.