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PHP / MYSQL Question - acade - 30.01.2013


I'm in the process of creating a UCP, I have it so I can enter my ingame details and it logs me in, I'm looking at doing a profile where I can view stats,

For example, If I want to show the IP, I get the table with mysql_query.

Is it something like this?

$rIP = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Username = '" . $_SESSION['username'] . "'");
How would I get it to display the IP like var_dump?

Re: PHP / MYSQL Question - RedCrossER - 30.01.2013

Fetch row

Re: PHP / MYSQL Question - acade - 30.01.2013

I've got this, but getting errors?

	$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Username = '" . $_SESSION['username'] . "'");
					while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
 						echo $row['IP'] "IP" " ";
						echo $row['Money'] "Cash" " ";
						echo  $row['BankMoney']"Bank" " ";   

Re: PHP / MYSQL Question - acade - 30.01.2013

I've now got it so it shows the data, However it does show IP: "IP Here", Just "IPhere""Cash""Bank"

Any ideas on how I split it into lines so it's like

IP: "IPhere"
Cash: "Cash"
Bank: "Bank"

Re: PHP / MYSQL Question - KingHual - 31.01.2013

use <br> ?

Re: PHP / MYSQL Question - Aldo. - 31.01.2013

First off, don't use mysql_* as it is deprecated (outdated) I recommend using PDO with prepared statements

Re: PHP / MYSQL Question - Sinner - 31.01.2013

PHP код:
mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Username = '" $_SESSION['username'] . "'");
$row mysql_fetch_array($result))
$row['IP'] ." IP<br />"$row['Money'] ."Cash<br />"$row['BankMoney'] ."Bank <br />";   

Re: PHP / MYSQL Question - Djole1337 - 31.01.2013

Ohh... Nevermind.

Re: PHP / MYSQL Question - Sinner - 31.01.2013

Originally Posted by Mr_DjolE
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Why while() btw ?
mysql_fetch_row/array attempts to fetch rows from the resulting mysql set. While loops through the result set as long as there are rows. So if you have 3 rows the while loop will fetch $row 3 times.