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Vehicle In front of Vehicle - Printable Version

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Vehicle In front of Vehicle - Glad2BeHere - 30.01.2013

How to determine if there is two vehicles near a player facing front

pawn Код:
> | <
> = vehicle a
| = player
< = vehicle b

or atleast two vehicles facing each other

AW: Vehicle In front of Vehicle - Kwashiorkor - 30.01.2013

You could compare GetPlayerFacingAngle to the angle between player and vehicle using atan2()

Re: Vehicle In front of Vehicle - Threshold - 30.01.2013

I'm guessing this.would work:
pawn Код:
stock IsVehicleFacingVehicle(vehicleone, vehicletwo)
    new Float:angle1, Float:angle2;
    GetVehicleZAngle(vehicleone, angle1);
    GetVehicleZAngle(vehicletwo, angle2);
    if(angle1 > angle2)
        if((angle1 - angle2) > 175 && (angle1 - angle2) < 185) return 1;
        if((angle2 - angle1) > 175 && (angle2 - angle1) < 185) return 1;
    return 0;
I'm sorry I you get any errors, I'm trying to script this on my phone. This took me like 20 minutes. xD

Edit: Also you could add a distance.check between the vehicles if.necessary.