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Mysql(Adrealine) to Mysql(BlueG) - Printable Version

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Mysql(Adrealine) to Mysql(BlueG) - TGameR - 29.01.2013

How to convert this to mysql by BlueG please ?

		new Data[2048];
		new Field[64];
		new rcnt = 1;
		MySQLFetchAcctRecord(PlayerInfo[playerid][pSQLID], Data);
		samp_mysql_strtok(Field, "|", Data);
		while (samp_mysql_strtok(Field, "|", "")==1)

Re : Mysql(Adrealine) to Mysql(BlueG) - TGameR - 29.01.2013

Up help me please

Re : Mysql(Adrealine) to Mysql(BlueG) - TGameR - 30.01.2013


Re: Mysql(Adrealine) to Mysql(BlueG) - BlackRaven - 30.01.2013

Use strickenskid plugin!