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is there a way - Printable Version

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is there a way - Kristopher_Wasserman - 29.01.2013

is there a way to move an onbject ie gates when another object is at a coord? i have tryed GetObjectPos and IsObjectMoving(thought this would work, have it set to if the object is not moving) but none of these worked. if anyone has an idea how i would get this done. thanks in advance.

Re: is there a way - Apenmeeuw - 29.01.2013

create the object first at the position that its closed ie a gate.

the make a cmd or go to onplayerupdate and xo:

and then it will open, then make another d or set a timer that closes the gate.

Re: is there a way - Threshold - 29.01.2013

pawn Код:
public OnObjectMoved(objectid)
    if(objectid == myobject1)
        MoveObject(myobject2, ...);
    return 1;