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Help! - TheEpicBraxton - 29.01.2013

Ok so I have PPC_Housing. Re-did some stuff and fixed bugs. but my Pawno wont compile it. Could this be a script problem or is it pawno. How do I fix this.

Re: Help! - Madeline - 29.01.2013

Won't compile, in the sense crashing, or errors/warnings?

Re: Help! - TheEpicBraxton - 29.01.2013

No it stops responding and wont respond and it slows my computer down.

Re: Help! - Madeline - 29.01.2013

Then wait for the compiler to finish compiling the script, if it is a huge script. Also check if you have the requirements for the compiler to run!

Re: Help! - TheEpicBraxton - 29.01.2013

I have the requirements as other scripts will compile. It is a huge script. So it not responding is alright? cause whenever I minimize Pawno it stops responding and I cant open it.

Re: Help! - Madeline - 29.01.2013

Hmm.., Leave it open as it is when it's compiling, don't click anything, do something by the moment, and see if it works.

Re: Help! - Jewell - 29.01.2013

oo that happens if the code has alot erros or when long string with a format.

Re: Help! - Threshold - 29.01.2013

If it's not responding when you're minimizing it, I doubt it's a script related problem. Approximately how many lines is the script?

Re: Help! - TheEpicBraxton - 29.01.2013

Originally Posted by BenzoAMG
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If it's not responding when you're minimizing it, I doubt it's a script related problem. Approximately how many lines is the script?
About 3k

Re: Help! - Madeline - 29.01.2013

Originally Posted by Jewell
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oo that happens if the code has alot erros or when long string with a format.
You're saying PAWNO crashes when there's a-lot of errors in which PAWNO can't handle?

Any script errors?