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Just LOL - Printable Version

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Just LOL - kepa333 - 28.01.2013

Pro Support.

Re: Just LOL - Si|ent - 28.01.2013

Seems fine to me. The original message indicated there was no predicted ETA. So his answer confirms that.

Re: Just LOL - Bakr - 28.01.2013

On top of that, at least he's being honest with you.

Re: Just LOL - kaisersouse - 28.01.2013

Originally Posted by kepa333
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Pro Support.
Bad customer w/ terrible reading comprehension

Re: Just LOL - kepa333 - 28.01.2013

I think they have no idea about every things going on there... 3 ddos-s since i joined 10days ago. Servers was down for hole last time.
EDIT: i just want a server i payd for lol.

Re: Just LOL - Sinner - 28.01.2013

Originally Posted by kepa333
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I think they have no idea about every things going on there... 3 ddos-s since i joined 10days ago. Servers was down for hole last time.
They have a perfect idea of what's going on there. DDos attacks are just incredibly hard to prevent and resolve.

Re: Just LOL - int3s0 - 28.01.2013

If you keep getting downtimes because of these attacks, then just move away from them.