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[Map] San Francisko Spawn.. - Printable Version

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San Francisko Spawn.. - Tu lopas - 28.01.2013

Hello, there my new job Spawn. In video, you see text, they in Lithuanian so don't be angry. I explain. I work 10 hours, all vibration is fixed. Don't care for server systems i choose any gm what I see, also ignore thet builings, i deleted now him. What can I say, Enjoy!

This not finished, because i lazy, who need i that take it!
Sorry for bad english..



You see in right a USA flag, so chose that language and you you understand him.

Re: San Francisko Spawn.. - Erwin. - 28.01.2013

Hm,this is quite nice start,looks pretty good,i'm gonna test this.

Re: San Francisko Spawn.. - fanta291327 - 28.01.2013

looks decent needs little work but nice job

Re: San Francisko Spawn.. - Tuff - 28.01.2013

Pretty,Nice 9/10