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Where is spookie on the samp forums? - Printable Version

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Where is spookie on the samp forums? - ReDevilGames - 28.01.2013

Where is spookie on the samp forums?

Re: Where is spookie on the samp forums? - saiberfun - 28.01.2013

Re: Where is spookie on the samp forums? - Mauzen - 28.01.2013

Here, but inactive

Re: Where is spookie on the samp forums? - RayW - 28.01.2013

He's been inactive for quite a while. I'm pretty sure he's busy with life.

Re: Where is spookie on the samp forums? - Erwin. - 28.01.2013

Who'z Spookie? I see he joined sa-mp in 2005 o.o

AW: Where is spookie on the samp forums? - Blackazur - 28.01.2013

One of the Programmers next Kalcor.

Re: Where is spookie on the samp forums? - Madeline - 29.01.2013

One of the developers of SA-MP with Kalcor.