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What is the Coolest car in SAMP? - Printable Version

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What is the Coolest car in SAMP? - EndlessRP - 28.01.2013

I think that the Infurnous is the Coolest car of all, Its the fastest, and Best looking car in the Game.


Re: What is the Coolest car in SAMP? - M3mPHi$_S3 - 28.01.2013

The most tunable and beautifull car is pheonix and fastest car is inernus. and change the tittle " What is ... " to "Which is .... "

Re: What is the Coolest car in SAMP? - Riddy - 28.01.2013

SAMP? You mean GTASA, The SAMP dev. hasnt released any custom made cars on the modification.

I like the Infernus.

Re: What is the Coolest car in SAMP? - BlackBank - 28.01.2013

For some reason i love the Bullet...

Re: What is the Coolest car in SAMP? - newbienoob - 28.01.2013


Re: What is the Coolest car in SAMP? - Astralis - 28.01.2013


Re: What is the Coolest car in SAMP? - Black Wolf - 28.01.2013

Originally Posted by Neonman
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Bullet to freeroam & Infernous for races,drifts etc

Re: What is the Coolest car in SAMP? - Mr.Anonymous - 28.01.2013


Re: What is the Coolest car in SAMP? - M3mPHi$_S3 - 28.01.2013

Originally Posted by Mr.Anonymous
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I'd like to go for picnic in this car's ... Xd Infernus is the coolest one if we change the mode to ferrari and sound one

Re: What is the Coolest car in SAMP? - Luis- - 28.01.2013

Euros & ZR-350.