Is that possibol :P -
Robert West - 27.01.2013
Is that possibol ?

just seen it and cant belive
Re: Is that possibol :P -
BlackBank - 27.01.2013
It could be possible, but i don't know for sure if you can drive it...
Re: Is that possibol :P -
Basssiiie - 27.01.2013
Yes this is possible. The game handles tram tracks the same as train tracks, so you can spawn trains on tram tracks and trams on train tracks. You can even ride the trains, if they are on tram tracks. You might be able to ride trams too, if they are on the ridable train track.
Re: Is that possibol :P -
Erwin. - 28.01.2013
Dude seriously..? How it will go into a qucik turns? The train is damn long and big..
Re: Is that possibol :P -
Si|ent - 28.01.2013
It turns fine, we used to have the regular train running on the tram tracks in Partyserver a few years ago.
(We have the regular tram instead now)
Re: Is that possibol :P -
Scenario - 28.01.2013
Just note that if you want to add a train to the mode, you have to do it with AddStaticVehicle under OnGameModeInit(). It doesn't work with CreateVehicle.
You can create a tram with CreateVehicle though.
Re: Is that possibol :P -
Jochemd - 28.01.2013
If you originally created it on the train tracks, this is caused by desync.
Re: Is that possibol :P -
MarshallNero - 28.01.2013
Yep dats possible.
Re: Is that possibol :P -
Madeline - 28.01.2013
Possible, just had to get it correctly on the track
Re: Is that possibol :P -
KingHual - 28.01.2013
Originally Posted by Famouz
Dude seriously..? How it will go into a qucik turns? The train is damn long and big..