How to get a radio station live streaming link? -
stormchaser206 - 26.01.2013
I just need to know something for my script,
how can I get a live stream link from a radio station in my script? I mean like (for example) a dialog would show, you could select that station, and it would play
Maybe like an MP3 link? Just need to know how to get the link, a link that I can stream to players in-game
Re: How to get a radio station live streaming link? - Riddy - 26.01.2013
Re: How to get a radio station live streaming link? -
stormchaser206 - 26.01.2013
Originally Posted by Riddy
I can't get a link there to a radio station
Re: How to get a radio station live streaming link? -
Erwin. - 26.01.2013
Try this
You can find every kind different genre of music,listen online,copy the link adresses of a radio etc.
Re: How to get a radio station live streaming link? -
stormchaser206 - 27.01.2013
Originally Posted by Famouz
Try this
You can find every kind different genre of music,listen online,copy the link adresses of a radio etc.
Where can I copy the link at?
Re: How to get a radio station live streaming link? -
Erwin. - 27.01.2013
If you have Google Chrome,for example you open that website link,you will see the first radio station in that list, click with the right mouse button,and choose copy link address.
Re: How to get a radio station live streaming link? -
stormchaser206 - 27.01.2013
Will that link play the live stream in-game?
Re: How to get a radio station live streaming link? -
stormchaser206 - 27.01.2013
Also they don't have all the stations
Re: How to get a radio station live streaming link? -
nickdodd25 - 27.01.2013
Its easy to get the stream link from shoutcast.
Get the embed code..
<'embed src='' quality='high' bgcolor='#ffffff' width='398' height='104' name='popupPlayer_V19' align='middle' allowScriptAccess='always' allowFullScreen='true' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='' ><embed>
And look for the part i colored red, and then add it to playaudiostreamforplayer..
PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(playerid, "");
Add that to your code and it will play ingame.
Re: How to get a radio station live streaming link? -
stormchaser206 - 27.01.2013
But i need a different one (to get live links) with every radio station
EDIT: 500th Post