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[FilterScript] RoW Advanced Weapon System - Printable Version

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RoW Advanced Weapon System - RoW001 - 24.01.2013

Is one system created for me 100%

pwn ==>
amx ==>
Only pwn :

Re: RoW Advanced Weapon System - MyNinja - 24.01.2013

( others, note that the blue highlight is not part of the script. It's a edit of SA-MP's GUI. ))

Can you please provide a English version of this FS? At-least tell me what language is this, so i can translate this.

Re: RoW Advanced Weapon System - RoW001 - 24.01.2013


Re: RoW Advanced Weapon System - antonio112 - 24.01.2013

The language is romanian.

Glont = Bullet

"Scrie cate gloante vrei e 5$glont!" = Write how many bullets you want, it's 5$/bullet!

"%s a cumparat un Deagle cu %d gloante" = %s bought a Deagle with %d bullets.

"Nu poti cumpara mai putin de 10 gloante!!" = You can't buy less than 10 bullets.

Pretty simple filterscript but I can say that I love the colors you implemented. Cool

ps: Try making it a 'multi language' version. At least another version in ENGLISH, I doubt many people will use the romanian version. )

Re: RoW Advanced Weapon System - DiGiTaL_AnGeL - 24.01.2013

Simple, but usefull for those who doesn't has it on a stunt server.

Re: RoW Advanced Weapon System - RoW001 - 26.01.2013


Re: RoW Advanced Weapon System - Hansolue - 27.01.2013

digital,if is that simple why u motherfucker createe one?