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how to map particle effects on a vehicle since i cant see them in map editor - Printable Version

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how to map particle effects on a vehicle since i cant see them in map editor - AMEENAMEEN - 22.01.2013

how to map particle effects on a vehicle since i cant see them in map editor?

Re: how to map particle effects on a vehicle since i cant see them in map editor - SilverKiller - 22.01.2013

Try this..

Re: how to map particle effects on a vehicle since i cant see them in map editor - AMEENAMEEN - 23.01.2013

did you even read ? i know what is AttachObjectToVehicle i am asking how to map particle effects on a vehicle not what is AttachObjectToVehicle because particle effects cant be seen in sa mp map editor

Re: how to map particle effects on a vehicle since i cant see them in map editor - FUNExtreme - 23.01.2013

Combine his answer with this one:

Re: how to map particle effects on a vehicle since i cant see them in map editor - Tamer - 23.01.2013

Particules won't appear in the map editor,you need to import them one by one and check them ingame,it's the only way.