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How to make anti-teamkill ? - Printable Version

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How to make anti-teamkill ? - maho422 - 22.01.2013

I have a cnr server and all , cops , cia ,army ,fbi , swat are shoting each other , how can i make so they cant do that?

And how can i make so cops cant shot white people ? I mean so they cant damage each otehr

Re: How to make anti-teamkill ? - Jeffry - 22.01.2013

Re: How to make anti-teamkill ? - DaRk_RaiN - 22.01.2013

Well you can set the teams when the players spawn, it will stop the team kills.
Or if you use gTeam use the CallBacks OnPlayerTakeDamage and OnPlayerGiveDamage.

Re: How to make anti-teamkill ? - EpicNinja - 22.01.2013

Even if you use gTeam, you have to use SetPlayerTeam too! that's important for setting up a team rather then using useless callbacks and wasting codes.

Re: How to make anti-teamkill ? - Jewell - 22.01.2013

if you are using gTeam. then put this to your gamemode
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerGiveDamage(playerid, damagedid, Float: amount, weaponid)

    if (gTeam[playerid] == gTeam[damagedid] && amount > 5)
         SetPlayerArmedWeapon(playerid, 0);
         GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~W~TEAM KILL is NOT allowed",2000,3);
    return 0;
improve this yourself