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I was offered for free sa-mp hosting,shall I trust? - Printable Version

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I was offered for free sa-mp hosting,shall I trust? - Tamer - 20.01.2013

I had made an advertisement of my server,few hours later some guy came to me asking if I need a sponsor,in the short way,he said he can host the server for free.

He gave me the hosting web url,I'm not mentioning it here. So anyway,the guy says he wants co-owner rank for the server. But also he said he is planning to make a multi-community so TDM and RP which are in the same community.

He also said he can help me with Ts3 hosting (free again) and also web hosting (free aswell)

I have been scripting since the morning to keep the gamemode more safer. I don't upload .pwn to FTP, I got DeAmx Function,I also have the script that detects if the script is running on the specified IP or not. (By this,you can make the gamemode work only on a single server,if they try to put it to another it will crash)

So what do you think? Is it worth to trust? Has anyone had an offer like this before?


I didn't get convinced to trust him

Re: I was offered for free sa-mp hosting,shall I trust? - admantis - 20.01.2013

I would not, the last thing you should do is trust a stranger over the internet to run a community, at the end you will have a feel that somebody's about to get screwed over and you will not feel "ok" if there is another random guy calling the shots besides you.

Re: I was offered for free sa-mp hosting,shall I trust? - Emmet_ - 20.01.2013

Sounds like a scam to me. You probably shouldn't trust this guy, for all I know he could fuck you over.

Re: I was offered for free sa-mp hosting,shall I trust? - Criswell - 20.01.2013

I also offering VPS since I have a VPS company, but well. It depends, maybe he want your gamemode so..

Re: I was offered for free sa-mp hosting,shall I trust? - Mauzen - 20.01.2013

So, if you just upload the amx theres basically nothing they could steal or scam. They might "take over" your server, means they ban you, and run the server themselves. But then they couldnt update the script, theyll always run the same gamemode. Sure they could decompile it, but still wouldnt have a source they could use for anything. Stealing a script by deamxing it is just a myth.
To be absolutely sure, make a unlock command, something you must type on startup, else every player will be kicked on join.

Re: I was offered for free sa-mp hosting,shall I trust? - Dairyll - 20.01.2013

Sounds very dodgy. If your gut tells you to not trust the person, then you probably shouldn't. Only time you should actually consider deals like these is when the person has a good standing (rep-wise, etc.) here on the SA-MP forum.

Re: I was offered for free sa-mp hosting,shall I trust? - Mado - 20.01.2013

No, as then he has access to the whole server means he can do anything he likes.

Re: I was offered for free sa-mp hosting,shall I trust? - Samp_India - 21.01.2013

I was offered free hosting by 2 people(at 2 diffrent times) some time ago and they were real helpful for me and didnt not scam me in any way.maybe because they were from my own country..but now i have became an adult so i got my self a debit card and can help myself.

Re: I was offered for free sa-mp hosting,shall I trust? - Scenario - 21.01.2013

Avoid free hosting from pretty much anyone. Most of the time they are utterly unreliable and knowing some of the people at this community, they'll just take your .amx file and do what Mauzen said. Ban you, and keep running the same server w/o any updates. Even though it sounds stupid, it prevents them from having to set anything up for themselves.

Pay for hosting. It isn't that expensive and you save yourself a headache in the long run.

Re: I was offered for free sa-mp hosting,shall I trust? - RajatPawar - 21.01.2013

At your own risk! Could try y_lock and y_master if he wants to help you in scripting. I personally however, would decline this offer.