Server Not Opening. -
[rG]Cold - 14.01.2013
What would be the problem that,when im trying to open a server,it stays opened for like 2 seconds then it closes?
No errors given in server_log file.
Re: Server No Opening. -
InTeL_cOrE_i7 - 14.01.2013
do you have luxadmin?
Re: Server No Opening. -
[rG]Cold - 14.01.2013
Originally Posted by InTeL_cOrE_i7
do you have luxadmin?
No,i don't.But i mean in generaly,what would be the problem?
Re: Server No Opening. -
Konstantinos - 14.01.2013
The first thing I can think of, is that you may not change the rcon password when you download the server package, and it closes the server windows without printing anything. Another possible things may are: You did not create on the scriptfiles some folder you may need or last, it causes a server crash. Would you mind to load crashdetect, just to be sure!
Re: Server No Opening. -
[rG]Cold - 14.01.2013
Originally Posted by Dwane
The first thing I can think of, is that you may not change the rcon password when you download the server package, and it closes the server windows without printing anything. Another possible things may are: You did not create on the scriptfiles some folder you may need or last, it causes a server crash. Would you mind to load crashdetect, just to be sure!
Actually it used to work just fine,then i added a Register System that i've made and havent used for a while ,created the folders on the scriptfiles aswell + the FS has no errors/warnings,whatsoever.
Re: Server No Opening. -
Konstantinos - 14.01.2013
Did you load any plugin that filterscript uses?
Since, you're telling me that before you added the filterscript, it worked fine then the problem is with that filterscript and possible a missing plugin that the filterscript uses.
Re: Server No Opening. -
[rG]Cold - 14.01.2013
It uses
which i do have. Well im going to test a second filterscript that has that plugin in it see if it does the same.
EDIT:Nope,not the same problems,i also tried to add that FS as the only one on the server but still the same problem.
Re: Server No Opening. -
RajatPawar - 14.01.2013
Have you backed up the original script you had, before adding the register system? Did it work awesomely fine? Does your server has *facepalm* the rcon password 'changeme'?
Re: Server No Opening. -
Konstantinos - 14.01.2013
So, the other filterscript worked fine and the first you added keep closing the server windows?
What I suggest you is to add crashdetect and nativechecker and show us what it prints on the server_log.txt
Originally Posted by Rajat_Pawar
Does your server has *facepalm* the rcon password 'changeme'?
He said it worked fine before adding the filterscript, so it's not that. Read the posts above you, please.
Re: Server No Opening. -
[rG]Cold - 14.01.2013
Originally Posted by Dwane
So, the other filterscript worked fine and the first you added keep closing the server windows?
What I suggest you is to add crashdetect and nativechecker and show us what it prints on the server_log.txt
He said it worked fine before adding the filterscript, so it's not that. Read the posts above you, please.
Alright,i will use them and leave a reply with the 'error'!
Re: Server No Opening. -
RajatPawar - 14.01.2013
Yes Dwane, I read it, he didn't directly answer that question, so I thought he had ignored it. Anyways, well, never mind.
Re: Server No Opening. -
[rG]Cold - 14.01.2013
Ok so i used crashdetect and i got the following:
[14:02:18] [debug] Server crashed due to an unknown error
and then a list of some error codes?:
Re: Server No Opening. -
Konstantinos - 14.01.2013
Alright, we know that the problem is now a crash. I don't like that it doesn't mention the error or where the crash is occured, to which callback. Let's hope that if you add a compiler setting, it will say more things but I doubt about it. DO what this
post says.
Re: Server No Opening. -
Ryan McDuff - 14.01.2013
It has something to do with your configuration file, aka: your notepad that says "server". Try fixing the gamemode or url.
Re: Server No Opening. -
[rG]Cold - 14.01.2013
Nope ,it's a filterscript,Admin System seems to be the problem. I dont know whats wrong with it tho!
Re: Server No Opening. -
InTeL_cOrE_i7 - 25.01.2013
you can open server_log, go and go to end
Re: Server No Opening. -
InTeL_cOrE_i7 - 25.01.2013
another thing you could do it remove your admin/register filterscript it that not the problem then remove all filterscripts in server-config but if that not work i don't know wat is wrong