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[Possible Bug]NPC Scripts can't write or read files - Printable Version

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[Possible Bug]NPC Scripts can't write or read files - NetKiel - 13.01.2013

I don't know if this is a Bug or only my fault

Since 0.3a was released I didn't noticed it.
I want to write a special way to communicate between the GM and the NPC Scripts.

So I tried making it possible with files on a simple way - writing in the files - for debuging.
But it didn't work.

I tried it serveral times, I didn't get it working.

This is my code. I put it in all Callbacks which could be possible called.
pawn Код:
new File:f = fopen("C:\\Users\\septa_000\\Desktop\\03x\\scriptfiles\\blubb.txt",io_write);
f = fopen("blubb2.txt",io_write);

AW: [Possible Bug]NPC Scripts can't write or read files - NetKiel - 13.01.2013

Thanks, for the answer,
but it isn't working for me

Re: [Possible Bug]NPC Scripts can't write or read files - Memoryz - 13.01.2013

I don't think you need to put ""C:\\Users\\septa_000\\Desktop\\03x\\scriptfiles\ \blubb.txt",io_write);"

just /blubb.txt

AW: [Possible Bug]NPC Scripts can't write or read files - NetKiel - 13.01.2013

I know, I was just testing arround.

As you can see in my code I was trying it, to do this only with blubb2.txt

AW: [Possible Bug]NPC Scripts can't write or read files - NetKiel - 23.01.2013

Any response on this problem?