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Suggestions for a Prison Roleplay server - Spicey - 11.01.2013

Dear SA-MP forum users,

I've recently made a topic in the Screenshots and Videos section. You would notice some screenshots of a prison map there.

My question is like the title said; "What would you like to see in a Prison Roleplay server"?

I'm taking suggestions for my new gamemode that I'm creating. I hope to see some cool suggestions that I could use in my gamemode.

Re: Suggestions for a Prison Roleplay server - xBARONx - 11.01.2013

Well that is something quite unique, please PM with the IP when you finish the server. I suggest you option of smuggling melee weapons in prison, ability to corrupt a guard and so on...

Re: Suggestions for a Prison Roleplay server - Ryan McDuff - 11.01.2013

I would expect to see a nicely mapped prison in an open area, preferrably gates. It would be cool for everybody to just live their life in prison for as long as they can, trying to survive and avoid the encounters of other prisoners. I think that would be very cool.

Re: Suggestions for a Prison Roleplay server - Mauzen - 11.01.2013

Allow an actual revolt, giving prisoners the control of the prison until claimed back by the guards.
Maybe a death row, people especially choose that when registering, and after a random amount of time (like 2-6 weeks, either a known date, or they just know a day before) theyre gonna be executed, killing their character and disabling that account. This would add more changes and more action to it. Maybe give them some chance to escape their death, by a revolt (gives them more time until guards got control back), or amnesties, making them normal prisoners.
Also permanent deaths in general might be worth thinking about. I hate those "ultra realistic rp" servers that just send you to hospital when you die, so all the trouble about dying is pointless, and you dont really need to watch out not to get into trouble. Permanent death would make that more risky, its getting boring in prison anyways after some weeks of playing the same character.
Dont just create another "normal RP in small map"-prison rp.

Re: Suggestions for a Prison Roleplay server - Spicey - 11.01.2013

Thanks for the suggestions guys.

Mauzen; people like to play the same character so they can keep their items. The prison map that I'm creating is not small and not big, it's medium.

Real state prisons are not as big as the Alcatraz and I'm not aiming for such a type of roleplay. People have their own opinions on everything though..

The main problem when creating a prison roleplay server is to give people freedom in a limited space. Also, you have to be creative to roleplay in a prison. These type of gamemodes only work out when you got the right crowd in it.

I am aiming for a realistic roleplay server because I think it's alot of fun to play. I will think about what do to with the hospital aspect. Because I agree that people have "nothing" to lose when they die. Maybe that if you're "dead" you need to wait 10-15 minutes to get back in the game.

Re: Suggestions for a Prison Roleplay server - Travis The Tiger - 11.01.2013

2 Words... "Shower Rape".

Re: Suggestions for a Prison Roleplay server - GTAMonster - 11.01.2013

After 10-12 days Give ability to break the jail, so prison can hide in the city for few days. And after few day arest him again. And pm ip when server is ready.
Sorry fo bad english

Re: Suggestions for a Prison Roleplay server - Spicey - 11.01.2013

Originally Posted by Travis The Tiger
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2 Words... "Shower Rape".
Man, haha- you're crazy. (But you can RP it though)

Originally Posted by GTAMonster
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After 10-12 days Give ability to break the jail, so prison can hide in the city for few days. And after few day arest him again. And pm ip when server is ready.
Sorry fo bad english
Escaping from prison won't be in the gamemode. It may be implented later on but I'm not sure about it because it's a big aspect, you know.

Also I'll make a server advertisement when server is ready and a short flick and such but I'll PM the IP when it's done.

Thanks for the suggestion.

Re: Suggestions for a Prison Roleplay server - Spicey - 14.01.2013

More suggestions? Also you can see the screenshots of the prison here:

Re: Suggestions for a Prison Roleplay server - ApaKhe - 14.01.2013

Some Prison Gangs would be nice, you know that we got that in RL Prisons. So, maybe adding a Faction System?

Re: Suggestions for a Prison Roleplay server - Vince - 14.01.2013

Whatever you create, it will always be pretty damn boring because you're confined to a small place with nothing to do. If you want to go to prison so bad then go rob a bank. Or apply for warden.

Re: Suggestions for a Prison Roleplay server - Spicey - 14.01.2013

The script has dynamic factions and housing system so that's covered. I was more talking about jobs and places in a prison. And methods to get drugs and weapons.

Originally Posted by Vince
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Whatever you create, it will always be pretty damn boring because you're confined to a small place with nothing to do. If you want to go to prison so bad then go rob a bank. Or apply for warden.
Well, it's not a small place though. It's a pretty big prison and I'm going to add alot of unique options to make it "less" boring. And what would help to make it less boring in your opinion?

Re: Suggestions for a Prison Roleplay server - Jansish - 14.01.2013

soap system

Re: Suggestions for a Prison Roleplay server - okil - 14.01.2013

Muscle system? So when you fight in a brawl the more muscle score you have the higher your damage is.

Re: Suggestions for a Prison Roleplay server - zp42O - 14.01.2013

A system when at 12:00AM to the lunch and at the 08:00PM to the dinner ..

Big hug.

Re: Suggestions for a Prison Roleplay server - Spicey - 14.01.2013

Originally Posted by Jansish
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soap system
I don't really understand what you mean but I guess it's a lame ass comment.

Originally Posted by okil
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Muscle system? So when you fight in a brawl the more muscle score you have the higher your damage is.
This sounds like something. I'll think about it.

Originally Posted by zp42O
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A system when at 12:00AM to the lunch and at the 08:00PM to the dinner ..Big hug.
Great idea. I'll implent that for sure, thank you.

Re: Suggestions for a Prison Roleplay server - Astralis - 14.01.2013

epic maps.

Re: Suggestions for a Prison Roleplay server - LeGGGeNNdA - 14.01.2013

Well, idk what to suggest, but if you need help from a mapper, PM me

Re: Suggestions for a Prison Roleplay server - Mauzen - 14.01.2013

Originally Posted by Spicey
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Well, it's not a small place though. It's a pretty big prison and I'm going to add alot of unique options to make it "less" boring. And what would help to make it less boring in your opinion?
Well, the more "realistically" you create it, the more boring it will get. Why? Because prison is meant to be boring. Gang fights are really rare, simply because guards are way stronger and would stop them before anything happens. And for prisoners its about impossible to get smuggled weapons, because in real life its about impossible to smuggle weapons.
So to be realistic, youll need to focus on daily prison life: sleep, meals, sitting in the cell, hours of standing in the laundry, some minutes of getting outside in isolated areas, and getting back into the cell for sleep. How could this be fun to play again and again? Thats why i suggested permanent death. playing the same guy day for day simply will suck, as theres nothing to do. Playing different new roles gives at least action.

Re: Suggestions for a Prison Roleplay server - whipper32 - 15.01.2013

looking nice