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Help me out! - [rG]Cold - 09.01.2013

Alright so i have this system which helps me create checkpoints without adding 1 line for each "CreateDynamicCP"

pawn Код:
enum checkCPinfo

//rest of the code

static const server_CreateCheckpoints[][checkCPinfo] =
        {1,2159.2742,943.1719,10.8203,1.0,100.0},//Ammunation 4Dragons Entrance
        {2,2539.4631,2084.0339,10.8203,1.0,100.0},//Ammunation Emerald Isle Entrance
        {3,2286.9143,2432.3669,10.8203,1.0,100.0},//LVPD Entrance
        {4,285.7855,-86.7201,1001.5229,1.0,100.0}//Ammunation 4Dragons Exit


stock server_CreateAllCheckpoints()
        for(new i; i < sizeof(server_CreateCheckpoints); i++)
        return 1;

public OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP(playerid,checkpointid)
    for(new i=0; i < sizeof(server_CreateCheckpoints); i++) //
                if(server_CreateCheckpoints[i][cpID] == 0)//Ammunation 4Dragons Entrance
The problem is that when i enter a checkpoints,no matter which one, it does what it supposed to do on the last one.
As you noticed they are numbered. TO make it clear...When i enter checkpoint 1 or 2 it does what it was supposed to do when i was entering checkpoint 3.

Re: Help me out! - denNorske - 09.01.2013

{1,2159.2742,943.1719,10.8203,1.0,100.0},//Ammunation 4Dragons Entrance

if(server_CreateCheckpoints[i][cpID] == 0)//Ammunation 4Dragons Entrance

The number 1 and 0 is two different ones. Is that maybe the problem ?

Re: Help me out! - [rG]Cold - 09.01.2013

Originally Posted by airplanesimen
Посмотреть сообщение
{1,2159.2742,943.1719,10.8203,1.0,100.0},//Ammunation 4Dragons Entrance

if(server_CreateCheckpoints[i][cpID] == 0)//Ammunation 4Dragons Entrance

The number 1 and 0 is two different ones. Is that maybe the problem ?
Nope,that's not the problem!
But thanks for the heads up.

Re: Help me out! - Niko_boy - 09.01.2013

well ur code , there is a problem ,
see that function gets call when u enter a cp [that can be any(server sided)]
So ur loop here makes no Sense at all
cuz element at i will always have cpID = 'WhatUWanted' , therefore if ur loop starts from 0 and it will do what it is supposed to do at cpID = 1, then 'if u have a elseif check' in second time when i = 1, it will again do what it is supposed to do at cpID = 2 (as element at 1 of array has cpID as 2 )

^ actually i am failing to explain but ur loop here is all wrong

what u should do is rather is add a element to ur enum call it ' serverCPiD '

pawn Код:
stock server_CreateAllCheckpoints()
        for(new i; i < sizeof(server_CreateCheckpoints); i++)
                server_CreateCheckpoints[i][serverCPiD] = CreateDynamicCP(server_CreateCheckpoints[i][x],server_CreateCheckpoints[i][y],server_CreateCheckpoints[i][z],server_CreateCheckpoints[i][cpSize],-1,-1,-1,server_CreateCheckpoints[i][ViewDistance]);
        return 1;

//--- later
public OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP(playerid,checkpointid)
       for(new i=0; i < sizeof(server_CreateCheckpoints); i++) //
                if(server_CreateCheckpoints[i][serverCPiD] == checkpointid)
                    switch(  server_CreateCheckpoints[i][cpID] )
                        case 1:
// do for cpID =  1
                       case 2:
// do for cpID =  2
//and so on..
                   break; // not necessarily needed here

Re: Help me out! - [rG]Cold - 09.01.2013

Alright thanks Niko,i'll test it out and leave a reply if it worked or not.

EDIT: Yup it works,thanks alot for the explanation.