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Raven's roleplay Bug - Printable Version

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Raven's roleplay Bug - yooMx - 08.01.2013

I added new houses with the command: [/sethouse] on my server and after reaching 1022 houses , it shows SERVER: Unknown Command when I try to add new houses. Please help , I really need help with this.

Gamemode: Raven's Roleplay
SA-MP Version: 0.3e

Thank you!

Re: Raven's roleplay Bug - RedCrossER - 08.01.2013

Check your max defined number of houses in your script.

Re: Raven's roleplay Bug - yooMx - 08.01.2013

Originally Posted by RedCrossER
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Check your max defined number of houses in your script.
So i searched for "limit" and "max_house" and found nothing about what i need. But i found this by searching "1022":
		            ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 19993,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"House File","Type the house id that you want to Reload \n (0-1022)","Ok","Cancel");

Re: Raven's roleplay Bug - Antonioh - 08.01.2013

Add me in skype and i'll fix it to you

With Teamviewer.

Re: Raven's roleplay Bug - yooMx - 09.01.2013

Nobody can help?