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textdraw destroy - Printable Version

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textdraw destroy - speed258 - 08.01.2013

hi all i wanted to ask how to correctly destroy texdraw, because some players says server destroy automatic, but others say server wont destroy textdraw, so i wanna know ansver how to correctly destroy textdraw. thanks for answers

Re: textdraw destroy - nilanjay - 08.01.2013

I hope this link will be helpful:

Re: textdraw destroy - speed258 - 08.01.2013

i'am already using this function but as i said in 1 post for some players destroy for some not so i thought i use wrong code

Re: textdraw destroy - DaRk_RaiN - 08.01.2013

No need to destroy just hide.
Is case you show it to all players at the same time(Global) TextDrawHideForAll
Hide it for each player(Local) TextDrawHideForPlayer
if this doesn't work make sure you correctly hided the textdraws.

Re: textdraw destroy - Vince - 08.01.2013

PlayerTextDraws are destroyed when the player quits. Normal textdraws are static.