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Anti amx - Printable Version

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Anti amx - CrazyChoco - 08.01.2013

Hello, ive lost my source for my gm when changing to windows 8, but the amx was still at my host. But i need to turn it back to .pwn, any ways you think?

And please don't suggest Easy De-amx. It won't work either if it is patched or not.

Re: Anti amx - Roel - 08.01.2013

There are no decoders that can turn your amx into a pwn file without fucking up the script.
When you compile alot things change, like all your defines and things, and a decoder cannot see how the pwn looked like before it turned into a gmx, so you can use some decoder but they will all fail.
And how can you lose the pwn file at all, is your harddisk broken? if not , then you always can get it back, even if windows doesnt work anymore, and next time make backups on a extern disk or cloud.

Re: Anti amx - Konstantinos - 08.01.2013

Well, there's no other way from tools except De-AMX. I've tried it and the converted .pwn file compiles fine, but I've read that the data from .amx will change when you compile the converted .pwn

Re: Anti amx - u3ber - 09.01.2013

Originally Posted by Dwane
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but I've read that the data from .amx will change when you compile the converted .pwn
...which is explicitly explained in the "Memory Layout" part of ******'s, "Why DeAMX doesn't do what you think it does" thread.