Pawn language is C# or C++ like? -
Vule. - 07.01.2013
I know it's nooby question

Pawn is similar to C# or C++?
Re: Pawn language is C# or C++ like? -
TheArcher - 07.01.2013
I guess both.. :P
Re: Pawn language is C# or C++ like? -
Konstantinos - 07.01.2013
It's not similar to C++, I don't know about C#, but it has only C syntax same.
Re: Pawn language is C# or C++ like? -
admantis - 07.01.2013
PAWN is influenced by Small-C, a subset of the C programming language
Re: Pawn language is C# or C++ like? -
Vule. - 07.01.2013
Originally Posted by admantis
PAWN is influenced by Small-C, a subset of the C programming language

C# or C++?
subset of the C programming language?
so i guess its both or not any?!
Re: Pawn language is C# or C++ like? -
admantis - 07.01.2013
Originally Posted by Vule.
C# or C++?
subset of the C programming language?
so i guess its both or not any?!
I don't think I can make myself more clear
PAWN is influenced by Small-C, a subset (like a derivation) of C
The progamming languages C++ and C# are not alike PAWN at all
Re: Pawn language is C# or C++ like? -
TheArcher - 07.01.2013
Here's everything you want about it.
Re: Pawn language is C# or C++ like? -
GWMPT - 07.01.2013
PAWN is more related to C, since it have the same syntax IDEA.
C++? No, since pawn doesn't supports object oriented programming.
C#? No, because it doesn't have even 5% of c# functions.
Re: Pawn language is C# or C++ like? -
Steven82 - 07.01.2013
Originally Posted by Vule.
C# or C++?
subset of the C programming language?
so i guess its both or not any?!
He couldn't have been more clear. Glad you read things before posting.