"Old foreach.inc files are no longer compatible with YSI."
SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3e-R2, ©2005-2012 SA-MP Team [17:10:36] [17:10:36] Server Plugins [17:10:36] -------------- [17:10:36] Loading plugin: audio.dll [17:10:36] *** Audio Plugin v0.4 by Incognito loaded *** [17:10:36] Loaded. [17:10:36] Loading plugin: sscanf.dll [17:10:36] [17:10:36] =============================== [17:10:36] sscanf plugin loaded. [17:10:36] © 2009 Alex "******" Cole [17:10:36] =============================== [17:10:36] Loaded. [17:10:36] Loading plugin: streamer.dll [17:10:36] *** Streamer Plugin v2.5.2 by Incognito loaded *** [17:10:36] Loaded. [17:10:36] Loaded 3 plugins. [17:10:36] [17:10:36] Filterscripts [17:10:36] --------------- [17:10:36] Loading filterscript 'carwash.amx'... [17:10:36] ----------------------------------------------- [17:10:36] [17:10:36] ---=== Car Wash Filterscript ===--- [17:10:36] [17:10:36] -------------- Copyright -- 2011 -------------- [17:10:36] Loading filterscript 'buttons.amx'... [17:10:36] Loading filterscript 'ls_elevator.amx'... [17:10:36] Loaded 3 filterscripts. [17:10:36] Script[gamemodes/CLRP.amx]: Run time error 17: "Invalid/unsupported P-code file format" [17:10:36] Failed to load 'gamemodes/CLRP.amx' script. [17:10:36] Number of vehicle models: 0 ---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3e-R2, ©2005-2012 SA-MP Team [17:34:10] [17:34:10] Server Plugins [17:34:10] -------------- [17:34:10] Loading plugin: audio.dll [17:34:10] *** Audio Plugin v0.4 by Incognito loaded *** [17:34:10] Loaded. [17:34:10] Loading plugin: sscanf.dll [17:34:10] [17:34:10] =============================== [17:34:10] sscanf plugin loaded. [17:34:10] © 2009 Alex "******" Cole [17:34:10] =============================== [17:34:10] Loaded. [17:34:10] Loading plugin: streamer.dll [17:34:10] *** Streamer Plugin v2.5.2 by Incognito loaded *** [17:34:10] Loaded. [17:34:10] Loaded 3 plugins. [17:34:10] [17:34:10] Filterscripts [17:34:10] --------------- [17:34:10] Loading filterscript 'carwash.amx'... [17:34:10] ----------------------------------------------- [17:34:10] [17:34:10] ---=== Car Wash Filterscript ===--- [17:34:10] [17:34:10] -------------- Copyright -- 2011 -------------- [17:34:10] Loading filterscript 'buttons.amx'... [17:34:10] Loading filterscript 'ls_elevator.amx'... [17:34:10] Loaded 3 filterscripts. [17:34:10] Script[gamemodes/CLRP.amx]: Run time error 17: "Invalid/unsupported P-code file format" [17:34:10] Failed to load 'gamemodes/CLRP.amx' script. [17:34:10] Number of vehicle models: 0
Delete foreach.inc and use y_iterate. I thought I had fixed this actually.
[17:34:10] Script[gamemodes/TMTURK.amx]: Run time error 17: "Invalid/unsupported P-code file format" [17:34:10] Failed to load 'gamemodes/TMTURK.amx' script. [17:34:10] Number of vehicle models: 0
I think you have the old way of looping through players with foreach(Player,i)
If is like that then you need to change it all in foreach(New i : Player) |
public RentTimer() { foreach(Player,i) { new rentcar = GetPlayerVehicleID(i); if(gBike[i] == 0 && IsARental(rentcar) && gBikeRenting[i] == 1) { RemovePlayerFromVehicle(i); new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z; GetPlayerPos(i, X, Y, Z); SetPlayerPos(i, X, Y, Z+2); SetVehicleToRespawn(rentcar); SendClientMessageEx(i,COLOR_GREY,"Your rental is up, you may get a new bike at the bike rental."); KillTimer(GetPVarInt(i, "RentTime")); gBikeRenting[i] = 0; return 1; } if(gBike[i] == 0 && gBikeRenting[i] == 1) { SendClientMessageEx(i,COLOR_GREY,"Your rental has timed out, please return to the bike store to rent a new one."); KillTimer(GetPVarInt(i, "RentTime")); gBikeRenting[i] = 0; return 1; } if(gBike[i] >=1){gBike[i]--; return 1;} } return 1; }
foreach(Player, i)
foreach(new i : Player)
foreach(new p : Player)
foreach(new playerid : Player)
I've changed the syntax of your script to the new few days ago. But if you need to fix it by yourself, just paste the gamemode into a notepad and use CTRL + F and inside the box "foreach". Any part of code which is like this
pawn Код:
pawn Код:
pawn Код:
pawn Код:
foreach(Player, variable_name_here)
foreach(new variable_name_here: Player)
foreach(Player, LOL)
foreach(new LOL: Player)
foreach(Player, p)