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[Map] Duel of the Fates - Printable Version

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Duel of the Fates - TraniLurese - 02.01.2013

Hi all. Today we can view new map - Duel of the Fates (DotF) from Star Wars - The Phantom Menace.
It's so big map

Sorry that the screens in the open, because I haven't found on the function of spoilers.
Doors, elevators, "laser" code
Objects Code

On foreign resources is prohibited to spread
Выкладывать на посторонние ресурсы запрещаю!

Thanks for watching and sorry for my bad English

Re: Duel of the Fates - okil - 02.01.2013

Omg, looks awesome!

Re: Duel of the Fates - TraniLurese - 02.01.2013

Thank you ^_^

Re: Duel of the Fates - DiReCt hIt - 02.01.2013

Nice map

Re: Duel of the Fates - Erwin. - 02.01.2013

Oh my god! epic! How long time it tooked you to make it? o.O

Re: Duel of the Fates - LeMoi - 02.01.2013


Re: Duel of the Fates - TraniLurese - 02.01.2013

23 hours Thanks to all ^_^

Re: Duel of the Fates - Alex47 - 02.01.2013

Thank you is amazing. God work man

Re: Duel of the Fates - TraniLurese - 02.01.2013

Thank you

Re: Duel of the Fates - Erwin. - 03.01.2013

Man for 23 hours.. you deserve a strict +rep!