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Server COMPLETE Crash - Printable Version

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Server COMPLETE Crash - Princekilla456 - 02.01.2013

[17:25:28] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[17:25:28] [debug] Accessing element at index 287 past array upper bound 264
[17:25:28] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[17:25:28] [debug] #0 00023eb4 in public Streamer_OnPlayerDisconnect () from NewTimess.amx
[17:25:28] [debug] #1 native CallLocalFunction () [00472c00] from samp-server.exe
[17:25:28] [debug] #2 000011d8 in public OnPlayerDisconnect () from NewTimess.amx

Any clue as to whats going on? Thats information from the Crash Detector, and yes it crashes with / without it.

Everyone in the server freezes and I have to go on my hosts website and restart the server then it rolls back.

Re: Server COMPLETE Crash - [HK]Ryder[AN] - 02.01.2013

Somewhere in onplayerdisconnect you are using an array out of its bounds.
pawn Код:
new array[4];
//in some callback
array[7] = blahblah //= crash because tere isnt any array[7]

Re: Server COMPLETE Crash - Princekilla456 - 02.01.2013

First of all I appreciate you responding, I have a scripter therefore I dont really handle any of it.. but I'm looking at the script and I dont see anything that has to do with an "Array" Mind explaining a little more!? pardon my newbieness.

Re: Server COMPLETE Crash - [HK]Ryder[AN] - 02.01.2013

Can you post your onplayerdisconnect here if it aint too big?

Re: Server COMPLETE Crash - Princekilla456 - 02.01.2013

Sure, I'll PM you if it doesnt fit Once again I appreciate it

Re: Server COMPLETE Crash - Princekilla456 - 02.01.2013

Did you get it? And while I'm waiting anyone else got a solution aswell?

Re: Server COMPLETE Crash - Princekilla456 - 03.01.2013

Somebody? Anybody? D;

Re: Server COMPLETE Crash - Princekilla456 - 03.01.2013


public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
new textreason[64];
new plname[24];
GetPlayerName(playerid, plname, sizeof(plname));
new playersip[24];
GetPlayerIp(playerid, playersip, sizeof(playersip));
new string2[128];
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdminDuty] == 1)

Is that possibly where the error is occuring?

Re: Server COMPLETE Crash - NoahF - 03.01.2013

You DO have a return 1; right?

Re: Server COMPLETE Crash - Princekilla456 - 03.01.2013

Sent you a message.