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About zcmd!!! - mickos - 29.12.2012


I am real tired about this sh*t!, I have created a lot of commands with ZCMD, without any errors or anything. But it will never work ingame!!!! All time when I type ingame a command, I will see the message: SERVER:UNKNOWN COMMAND.

It makes me tired, its anoying, do anyone know why it never works by me?

Here are some examples of my command..

PHP код:
str[128], id;
PlayerAcc[playerid][Log] == 0) return SendClientMessage(playeridCOLOR_ORANGE"You are not logged in, please login first.");
PlayerAcc[playerid][Admin] >= 2)
sscanf(params"u"id)) return SendClientMessage(playeridCOLOR_ORANGE"You must be type /disarm <playerid>");
id == INVALID_PLAYER_ID) return ErrorMessages(playerid2);
PlayerAcc[playerid][Admin] < PlayerAcc[id][Admin]) return ErrorMessages(playerid3);
format(strsizeof(str), "You have succesfully disarmed %s(ID:%d)"GetName(id), id);
format(strsizeof(str), "Admin %s(ID:%d) disarmed you."GetName(playerid), playerid);
    else return 

Hope anyone can give me more info about this,..


Re: About zcmd!!! - Huxley - 29.12.2012

My questions:

1. Are the commands scripted in a filterscript or gamemode? Because if it's a filterscript, maybe you forgot to load it into the game.
2. Are you at any admin levels at or higher than 2? Because players with admin level lower than 2 will receive the message you scripted.

Re: About zcmd!!! - mickos - 29.12.2012

Its a filterscript, I have it already loaded. I am not admin, but other simply commands, as /healme that is enabled for all players, dont work to, nothing works for me. It makes me angry,

Re: About zcmd!!! - Huxley - 29.12.2012

Try removing the 'return' in the 'else return ErrorMessages(...)' Maybe it would work.

Re: About zcmd!!! - mickos - 29.12.2012

Already tried man

Re: About zcmd!!! - Huxley - 29.12.2012

Damn, then I should try importing your command into a filterscript of mine and try using it in my server. I'll be back.

Re: About zcmd!!! - JaKe Elite - 29.12.2012

Wait a minute.
Is that rip of RomAdmin command?
anyways, Is your gamemode using strcmp.

Re: About zcmd!!! - [HiC]TheKiller - 29.12.2012

Is the command actually being called in the first place? If it is them make sure the ErrorMessages function returns 1.

Re: About zcmd!!! - mickos - 29.12.2012

Originally Posted by Romel
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Wait a minute.
Is that rip of RomAdmin command?
anyways, Is your gamemode using strcmp.
My gamemode is using strcmp, but I have 1 minute ago My OnPlayerCommandText delete, and strcmp is now gone of my gamemode, but it still didnt work