/Work Command -
Windrush - 28.12.2012
I Have this Coords And This name
pawn Код:
new ALocations[][] =
// LocationName, LocationX, LocationY, LocationZ
{"Dummy location", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, // Location 0 = dummy location (never used)
{"LS Construction Site", 1859.0, -1314.0, 14.0}, // Location 1
{"SF Construction Site", -2083.0, 209.0, 35.5}, // Location 2
{"LV Construction Site", 2708.0, 878.0, 10.0}, // Location 3
{"Avery Construction", 312.25, -233.75, 1.6}, // Location 4
{"Clown's Pocket Constr.", 2467.0, 1923.0, 9.8}, // Location 5
{"Solarin Industries", -1822.5, 41.25, 15.25}, // Location 6
{"Blueberry Truck Terminal", 52.75, -278.0, 1.7}, // Location 7
{"KACC Military Fuels", 2708.5, 2641.25, 11.0}, // Location 8
{"SA Federal Mint", -2441.0, 521.5, 30.0}, // Location 9
{"Angel Pine Sawmill", -1965.75, -2436.0, 30.7}, // Location 10
{"Quarry", 587.25, 844.75, -42.5}, // Location 11
{"Quarry Top", 370.0, 874.0, 20.5}, // Location 12
{"Easter Bay Lumberyard", -763.5, -136.0, 65.7}, // Location 13
{"LS Papermill", 2331.5, -2071.5, 13.6}, // Location 14
{"Sprunk Factory", 1334.75, 287.0, 19.6}, // Location 15
{"SF Medical Center", -2607.0, 684.0, 27.9}, // Location 16
{"Angel Pine Junkyard", -1873.0, -1685.0, 21.8}, // Location 17
{"LV Freight Depot", 599.5, 1224.75, 11.8}, // Location 18
{"LS Garbage Compound", 2181.0, -1980.5, 13.6}, // Location 19
{"LV Industrial Estate", 1635.75, 750.5, 11.0}, // Location 20
{"EasterBoard Farm", -69.5, -35.75, 3.2}, // Location 21
{"SF Hill Farm", -1423.5, -1469.0, 101.7}, // Location 22
{"Pecker's Feed & Seed", -310.5, 2669.5, 62.7}, // Location 23
{"San Fierro Port", -1691.0, 31.5, 3.6}, // Location 24
{"LV Refinery", 262.5, 1453.75, 10.6}, // Location 25
{"LS Refinery", 2484.0, -2085.0, 13.6}, // Location 26
{"Countryside Gas Station", -86.0, -1192.75, 2.0}, // Location 27
{"SF Xoomer Gas Station", -1659.0, 444.0, 7.2}, // Location 28
{"SF Gas Station", -2421.5, 953.25, 45.3}, // Location 29
{"LS Going Station", 1926.0, -1791.5, 13.5}, // Location 30
{"Xoomer Gas Station", -1488.75, 1875.25, 32.7}, // Location 31
{"Whetstone Gas Station", -1629.0, -2700.0, 48.6}, // Location 32
{"Desert Gas Station", -1309.5, 2703.75, 50.1}, // Location 33
{"Dilimore Gas Station", 664.5, -583.75, 16.4}, // Location 34
{"Abandoned Airport Fuel", 387.9, 2590.25, 16.5}, // Location 35
{"San Fierro International", -1152.25, -146.5, 14.2}, // Location 36
{"Easter Bay Chemical", -1033.75, -625.25, 32.1}, // Location 37
{"LS Ocean Docks", 2466.0, -2219.25, 13.6}, // Location 38
{"Bioengineering Corp.", 1347.5, 349.5, 20.0}, // Location 39
{"Greenglass College", 999.0, 1086.75, 11.0}, // Location 40
{"Fleischberg Brewery", -149.75, -220.25, 1.5}, // Location 41
{"Bayside Boatyard", -2430.75, 2310.5, 5.0}, // Location 42
{"LV Butcher", 977.5, 2096.75, 11.0}, // Location 43
{"SF Catering LTD", -1945.75, -1073.5, 31.0}, // Location 44
{"LS Donut shop", 1025.75, -1355.0, 13.8}, // Location 45
{"Porter's House", 2439.75, 114.5, 26.5}, // Location 46
{"Chuckup LTD", 1470.5, 1017.5, 10.9}, // Location 47
{"LS Warehouse", 2178.5, -2279.75, 13.6}, // Location 48
{"SF Supa Save", -2463.5, 782.0, 35.2}, // Location 49
{"Verona Mall", 1044.75, -1548.75, 13.6}, // Location 50
{"Las Venturas Mall", 2867.25, 2586.0, 10.7}, // Location 51
{"Vank Hoff Hotel", -2490.75, 337.5, 33.4}, // Location 52
{"Emerald Mall", 2056.75, 2251.25, 10.7}, // Location 53
{"LS Ocean Docks", 2574.25, -2223.75, 13.4}, // Location 54
{"Bayside Warehouse", -2285.0, 2281.5, 5.0}, // Location 55
{"Fleischberg Brewery", -18.5, -282.0, 5.5}, // Location 56
{"Las Venturas Stadium", 1377.5, 2245.75, 10.9}, // Location 57
{"P. Creek General Store", 2318.0, -92.5, 26.5}, // Location 58
{"LV Dirtring Stadium", 1112.0, 1451.75, 5.9}, // Location 59
{"The Pleasure Domes", -2697.0, 1402.5, 7.2}, // Location 60
{"4 Dragons Casino", 1903.75, 960.5, 10.9}, // Location 61
{"SF Financial Center", -2039.5, 467.5, 35.2}, // Location 62
{"Area 69", 134.54, 1945.79, 19.00} // Location 63
So I Need Work command
With Textdraw
Example: Deliver From ~r~LS Ocean Docks ~w~ To ~r~LV Dirting Stadium~w~.
Re: /Work Command -
Windrush - 30.12.2012
Re: /Work Command -
Feastahashi - 30.12.2012
Don't know if will work.
pawn Код:
CMD:work(playerid, params[]) // Using ZCMD
new string[200];
new rand = random(sizeof(ALocations));
new rand2 = random(sizeof(ALocations));
format(string,sizeof(string),"Deliver From %s to %s.", ALocations[rand][0], ALocations[rand2][0]);
// Put the string on your textdraw
return 1;
Re: /Work Command -
Windrush - 30.12.2012
it gives me errors
pawn Код:
new TruckLocations[][4] =
{"LS Construction Site", 1859.0, -1314.0, 14.0}, // Location 1
{"SF Construction Site", -2083.0, 209.0, 35.5}, // Location 2
{"LV Construction Site", 2708.0, 878.0, 10.0}, // Location 3
{"Avery Construction", 312.25, -233.75, 1.6}, // Location 4
{"Clown's Pocket Constr.", 2467.0, 1923.0, 9.8}, // Location 5
{"Solarin Industries", -1822.5, 41.25, 15.25}, // Location 6
{"Blueberry Truck Terminal", 52.75, -278.0, 1.7}, // Location 7
{"KACC Military Fuels", 2708.5, 2641.25, 11.0}, // Location 8
{"SA Federal Mint", -2441.0, 521.5, 30.0}, // Location 9
{"Angel Pine Sawmill", -1965.75, -2436.0, 30.7}, // Location 10
{"Quarry", 587.25, 844.75, -42.5}, // Location 11
{"Quarry Top", 370.0, 874.0, 20.5}, // Location 12
{"Easter Bay Lumberyard", -763.5, -136.0, 65.7}, // Location 13
{"LS Papermill", 2331.5, -2071.5, 13.6}, // Location 14
{"Sprunk Factory", 1334.75, 287.0, 19.6}, // Location 15
{"SF Medical Center", -2607.0, 684.0, 27.9}, // Location 16
{"Angel Pine Junkyard", -1873.0, -1685.0, 21.8}, // Location 17
{"LV Freight Depot", 599.5, 1224.75, 11.8}, // Location 18
{"LS Garbage Compound", 2181.0, -1980.5, 13.6}, // Location 19
{"LV Industrial Estate", 1635.75, 750.5, 11.0}, // Location 20
{"EasterBoard Farm", -69.5, -35.75, 3.2}, // Location 21
{"SF Hill Farm", -1423.5, -1469.0, 101.7}, // Location 22
{"Pecker's Feed & Seed", -310.5, 2669.5, 62.7}, // Location 23
{"San Fierro Port", -1691.0, 31.5, 3.6}, // Location 24
{"LV Refinery", 262.5, 1453.75, 10.6}, // Location 25
{"LS Refinery", 2484.0, -2085.0, 13.6}, // Location 26
{"Countryside Gas Station", -86.0, -1192.75, 2.0}, // Location 27
{"SF Xoomer Gas Station", -1659.0, 444.0, 7.2}, // Location 28
{"SF Gas Station", -2421.5, 953.25, 45.3}, // Location 29
{"LS Going Station", 1926.0, -1791.5, 13.5}, // Location 30
{"Xoomer Gas Station", -1488.75, 1875.25, 32.7}, // Location 31
{"Whetstone Gas Station", -1629.0, -2700.0, 48.6}, // Location 32
{"Desert Gas Station", -1309.5, 2703.75, 50.1}, // Location 33
{"Dilimore Gas Station", 664.5, -583.75, 16.4}, // Location 34
{"Abandoned Airport Fuel", 387.9, 2590.25, 16.5}, // Location 35
{"San Fierro International", -1152.25, -146.5, 14.2}, // Location 36
{"Easter Bay Chemical", -1033.75, -625.25, 32.1}, // Location 37
{"LS Ocean Docks", 2466.0, -2219.25, 13.6}, // Location 38
{"Bioengineering Corp.", 1347.5, 349.5, 20.0}, // Location 39
{"Greenglass College", 999.0, 1086.75, 11.0}, // Location 40
{"Fleischberg Brewery", -149.75, -220.25, 1.5}, // Location 41
{"Bayside Boatyard", -2430.75, 2310.5, 5.0}, // Location 42
{"LV Butcher", 977.5, 2096.75, 11.0}, // Location 43
{"SF Catering LTD", -1945.75, -1073.5, 31.0}, // Location 44
{"LS Donut shop", 1025.75, -1355.0, 13.8}, // Location 45
{"Porter's House", 2439.75, 114.5, 26.5}, // Location 46
{"Chuckup LTD", 1470.5, 1017.5, 10.9}, // Location 47
{"LS Warehouse", 2178.5, -2279.75, 13.6}, // Location 48
{"SF Supa Save", -2463.5, 782.0, 35.2}, // Location 49
{"Verona Mall", 1044.75, -1548.75, 13.6}, // Location 50
{"Las Venturas Mall", 2867.25, 2586.0, 10.7}, // Location 51
{"Vank Hoff Hotel", -2490.75, 337.5, 33.4}, // Location 52
{"Emerald Mall", 2056.75, 2251.25, 10.7}, // Location 53
{"LS Ocean Docks", 2574.25, -2223.75, 13.4}, // Location 54
{"Bayside Warehouse", -2285.0, 2281.5, 5.0}, // Location 55
{"Fleischberg Brewery", -18.5, -282.0, 5.5}, // Location 56
{"Las Venturas Stadium", 1377.5, 2245.75, 10.9}, // Location 57
{"P. Creek General Store", 2318.0, -92.5, 26.5}, // Location 58
{"LV Dirtring Stadium", 1112.0, 1451.75, 5.9}, // Location 59
{"The Pleasure Domes", -2697.0, 1402.5, 7.2}, // Location 60
{"4 Dragons Casino", 1903.75, 960.5, 10.9}, // Location 61
{"SF Financial Center", -2039.5, 467.5, 35.2}, // Location 62
{"Area 69", 134.54, 1945.79, 19.00} // Location 63
CMD:work(playerid, params[]) // Using ZCMD
new string[200];
new rand = random(sizeof(TruckLocations));
new rand2 = random(sizeof(TruckLocations));
// format(string,sizeof(string),"Deliver From %s to %s.", ALocations[rand][0], ALocations[rand2][0]);
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, TruckLocations[rand][2],TruckLocations[rand][3],TruckLocations[rand][4],7);
return 1;
pawn Код:
C:\Users\carlo\Desktop\SA-MP Server\My Own Trucking\gamemodes\WindTruck.pwn(55) : warning 213: tag mismatch
C:\Users\carlo\Desktop\SA-MP Server\My Own Trucking\gamemodes\WindTruck.pwn(55) : warning 213: tag mismatch
C:\Users\carlo\Desktop\SA-MP Server\My Own Trucking\gamemodes\WindTruck.pwn(55) : warning 213: tag mismatch
C:\Users\carlo\Desktop\SA-MP Server\My Own Trucking\gamemodes\WindTruck.pwn(55) : error 018: initialization data exceeds declared size
C:\Users\carlo\Desktop\SA-MP Server\My Own Trucking\gamemodes\WindTruck.pwn(426) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "TruckLocations")
C:\Users\carlo\Desktop\SA-MP Server\My Own Trucking\gamemodes\WindTruck.pwn(423) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "rand2"
C:\Users\carlo\Desktop\SA-MP Server\My Own Trucking\gamemodes\WindTruck.pwn(421) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "string"
C:\Users\carlo\Desktop\SA-MP Server\My Own Trucking\gamemodes\WindTruck.pwn(421 -- 430) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "ALocations"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
2 Errors.
Re: /Work Command -
Windrush - 31.12.2012
i want to add checkpoint
Re: /Work Command -
Threshold - 31.12.2012
pawn Код:
new Float:TruckLocations[][3] =
{"LS Construction Site", 1859.0, -1314.0, 14.0}, // Location 1
{"SF Construction Site", -2083.0, 209.0, 35.5}, // Location 2
{"LV Construction Site", 2708.0, 878.0, 10.0}, // Location 3
{"Avery Construction", 312.25, -233.75, 1.6}, // Location 4
{"Clown's Pocket Constr.", 2467.0, 1923.0, 9.8}, // Location 5
{"Solarin Industries", -1822.5, 41.25, 15.25}, // Location 6
{"Blueberry Truck Terminal", 52.75, -278.0, 1.7}, // Location 7
{"KACC Military Fuels", 2708.5, 2641.25, 11.0}, // Location 8
{"SA Federal Mint", -2441.0, 521.5, 30.0}, // Location 9
{"Angel Pine Sawmill", -1965.75, -2436.0, 30.7}, // Location 10
{"Quarry", 587.25, 844.75, -42.5}, // Location 11
{"Quarry Top", 370.0, 874.0, 20.5}, // Location 12
{"Easter Bay Lumberyard", -763.5, -136.0, 65.7}, // Location 13
{"LS Papermill", 2331.5, -2071.5, 13.6}, // Location 14
{"Sprunk Factory", 1334.75, 287.0, 19.6}, // Location 15
{"SF Medical Center", -2607.0, 684.0, 27.9}, // Location 16
{"Angel Pine Junkyard", -1873.0, -1685.0, 21.8}, // Location 17
{"LV Freight Depot", 599.5, 1224.75, 11.8}, // Location 18
{"LS Garbage Compound", 2181.0, -1980.5, 13.6}, // Location 19
{"LV Industrial Estate", 1635.75, 750.5, 11.0}, // Location 20
{"EasterBoard Farm", -69.5, -35.75, 3.2}, // Location 21
{"SF Hill Farm", -1423.5, -1469.0, 101.7}, // Location 22
{"Pecker's Feed & Seed", -310.5, 2669.5, 62.7}, // Location 23
{"San Fierro Port", -1691.0, 31.5, 3.6}, // Location 24
{"LV Refinery", 262.5, 1453.75, 10.6}, // Location 25
{"LS Refinery", 2484.0, -2085.0, 13.6}, // Location 26
{"Countryside Gas Station", -86.0, -1192.75, 2.0}, // Location 27
{"SF Xoomer Gas Station", -1659.0, 444.0, 7.2}, // Location 28
{"SF Gas Station", -2421.5, 953.25, 45.3}, // Location 29
{"LS Going Station", 1926.0, -1791.5, 13.5}, // Location 30
{"Xoomer Gas Station", -1488.75, 1875.25, 32.7}, // Location 31
{"Whetstone Gas Station", -1629.0, -2700.0, 48.6}, // Location 32
{"Desert Gas Station", -1309.5, 2703.75, 50.1}, // Location 33
{"Dilimore Gas Station", 664.5, -583.75, 16.4}, // Location 34
{"Abandoned Airport Fuel", 387.9, 2590.25, 16.5}, // Location 35
{"San Fierro International", -1152.25, -146.5, 14.2}, // Location 36
{"Easter Bay Chemical", -1033.75, -625.25, 32.1}, // Location 37
{"LS Ocean Docks", 2466.0, -2219.25, 13.6}, // Location 38
{"Bioengineering Corp.", 1347.5, 349.5, 20.0}, // Location 39
{"Greenglass College", 999.0, 1086.75, 11.0}, // Location 40
{"Fleischberg Brewery", -149.75, -220.25, 1.5}, // Location 41
{"Bayside Boatyard", -2430.75, 2310.5, 5.0}, // Location 42
{"LV Butcher", 977.5, 2096.75, 11.0}, // Location 43
{"SF Catering LTD", -1945.75, -1073.5, 31.0}, // Location 44
{"LS Donut shop", 1025.75, -1355.0, 13.8}, // Location 45
{"Porter's House", 2439.75, 114.5, 26.5}, // Location 46
{"Chuckup LTD", 1470.5, 1017.5, 10.9}, // Location 47
{"LS Warehouse", 2178.5, -2279.75, 13.6}, // Location 48
{"SF Supa Save", -2463.5, 782.0, 35.2}, // Location 49
{"Verona Mall", 1044.75, -1548.75, 13.6}, // Location 50
{"Las Venturas Mall", 2867.25, 2586.0, 10.7}, // Location 51
{"Vank Hoff Hotel", -2490.75, 337.5, 33.4}, // Location 52
{"Emerald Mall", 2056.75, 2251.25, 10.7}, // Location 53
{"LS Ocean Docks", 2574.25, -2223.75, 13.4}, // Location 54
{"Bayside Warehouse", -2285.0, 2281.5, 5.0}, // Location 55
{"Fleischberg Brewery", -18.5, -282.0, 5.5}, // Location 56
{"Las Venturas Stadium", 1377.5, 2245.75, 10.9}, // Location 57
{"P. Creek General Store", 2318.0, -92.5, 26.5}, // Location 58
{"LV Dirtring Stadium", 1112.0, 1451.75, 5.9}, // Location 59
{"The Pleasure Domes", -2697.0, 1402.5, 7.2}, // Location 60
{"4 Dragons Casino", 1903.75, 960.5, 10.9}, // Location 61
{"SF Financial Center", -2039.5, 467.5, 35.2}, // Location 62
{"Area 69", 134.54, 1945.79, 19.00} // Location 63
new ALocations[][] =
{"LS Construction Site"}, // Location 1
{"SF Construction Site"}, // Location 2
{"LV Construction Site"}, // Location 3
{"Avery Construction"}, // Location 4
{"Clown's Pocket Constr."}, // Location 5
{"Solarin Industries"}, // Location 6
{"Blueberry Truck Terminal"}, // Location 7
{"KACC Military Fuels"}, // Location 8
{"SA Federal Mint"}, // Location 9
{"Angel Pine Sawmill"}, // Location 10
{"Quarry"}, // Location 11
{"Quarry Top"}, // Location 12
{"Easter Bay Lumberyard"}, // Location 13
{"LS Papermill"}, // Location 14
{"Sprunk Factory"}, // Location 15
{"SF Medical Center"}, // Location 16
{"Angel Pine Junkyard"}, // Location 17
{"LV Freight Depot"}, // Location 18
{"LS Garbage Compound"}, // Location 19
{"LV Industrial Estate"}, // Location 20
{"EasterBoard Farm"}, // Location 21
{"SF Hill Farm"}, // Location 22
{"Pecker's Feed & Seed"}, // Location 23
{"San Fierro Port"}, // Location 24
{"LV Refinery"}, // Location 25
{"LS Refinery"}, // Location 26
{"Countryside Gas Station"}, // Location 27
{"SF Xoomer Gas Station"}, // Location 28
{"SF Gas Station"}, // Location 29
{"LS Going Station"}, // Location 30
{"Xoomer Gas Station"}, // Location 31
{"Whetstone Gas Station"}, // Location 32
{"Desert Gas Station"}, // Location 33
{"Dilimore Gas Station"}, // Location 34
{"Abandoned Airport Fuel"}, // Location 35
{"San Fierro International"}, // Location 36
{"Easter Bay Chemical"}, // Location 37
{"LS Ocean Docks"}, // Location 38
{"Bioengineering Corp."}, // Location 39
{"Greenglass College"}, // Location 40
{"Fleischberg Brewery"}, // Location 41
{"Bayside Boatyard"}, // Location 42
{"LV Butcher"}, // Location 43
{"SF Catering LTD"}, // Location 44
{"LS Donut shop"}, // Location 45
{"Porter's House"}, // Location 46
{"Chuckup LTD"}, // Location 47
{"LS Warehouse"}, // Location 48
{"SF Supa Save"}, // Location 49
{"Verona Mall"}, // Location 50
{"Las Venturas Mall"}, // Location 51
{"Vank Hoff Hotel"}, // Location 52
{"Emerald Mall"}, // Location 53
{"LS Ocean Docks"}, // Location 54
{"Bayside Warehouse"}, // Location 55
{"Fleischberg Brewery"}, // Location 56
{"Las Venturas Stadium"}, // Location 57
{"P. Creek General Store"}, // Location 58
{"LV Dirtring Stadium"}, // Location 59
{"The Pleasure Domes"}, // Location 60
{"4 Dragons Casino"}, // Location 61
{"SF Financial Center"}, // Location 62
{"Area 69"} // Location 63
CMD:work(playerid, params[]) // Using ZCMD
new string[140];
new rand = random(sizeof(TruckLocations));
new rand2 = random(sizeof(TruckLocations));
format(string,sizeof(string),"Deliver From %s to %s.", ALocations[rand][0], ALocations[rand2][0]);
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, TruckLocations[rand2][0],TruckLocations[rand2][1],TruckLocations[rand2][2],7);
return 1;
Re: /Work Command -
Windrush - 31.12.2012
Tnx Now The OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint?
Re: /Work Command -
Threshold - 31.12.2012
Give this one a shot:
pawn Код:
new Work[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Float:TruckLocations[][3] =
{"LS Construction Site", 1859.0, -1314.0, 14.0}, // Location 1
{"SF Construction Site", -2083.0, 209.0, 35.5}, // Location 2
{"LV Construction Site", 2708.0, 878.0, 10.0}, // Location 3
{"Avery Construction", 312.25, -233.75, 1.6}, // Location 4
{"Clown's Pocket Constr.", 2467.0, 1923.0, 9.8}, // Location 5
{"Solarin Industries", -1822.5, 41.25, 15.25}, // Location 6
{"Blueberry Truck Terminal", 52.75, -278.0, 1.7}, // Location 7
{"KACC Military Fuels", 2708.5, 2641.25, 11.0}, // Location 8
{"SA Federal Mint", -2441.0, 521.5, 30.0}, // Location 9
{"Angel Pine Sawmill", -1965.75, -2436.0, 30.7}, // Location 10
{"Quarry", 587.25, 844.75, -42.5}, // Location 11
{"Quarry Top", 370.0, 874.0, 20.5}, // Location 12
{"Easter Bay Lumberyard", -763.5, -136.0, 65.7}, // Location 13
{"LS Papermill", 2331.5, -2071.5, 13.6}, // Location 14
{"Sprunk Factory", 1334.75, 287.0, 19.6}, // Location 15
{"SF Medical Center", -2607.0, 684.0, 27.9}, // Location 16
{"Angel Pine Junkyard", -1873.0, -1685.0, 21.8}, // Location 17
{"LV Freight Depot", 599.5, 1224.75, 11.8}, // Location 18
{"LS Garbage Compound", 2181.0, -1980.5, 13.6}, // Location 19
{"LV Industrial Estate", 1635.75, 750.5, 11.0}, // Location 20
{"EasterBoard Farm", -69.5, -35.75, 3.2}, // Location 21
{"SF Hill Farm", -1423.5, -1469.0, 101.7}, // Location 22
{"Pecker's Feed & Seed", -310.5, 2669.5, 62.7}, // Location 23
{"San Fierro Port", -1691.0, 31.5, 3.6}, // Location 24
{"LV Refinery", 262.5, 1453.75, 10.6}, // Location 25
{"LS Refinery", 2484.0, -2085.0, 13.6}, // Location 26
{"Countryside Gas Station", -86.0, -1192.75, 2.0}, // Location 27
{"SF Xoomer Gas Station", -1659.0, 444.0, 7.2}, // Location 28
{"SF Gas Station", -2421.5, 953.25, 45.3}, // Location 29
{"LS Going Station", 1926.0, -1791.5, 13.5}, // Location 30
{"Xoomer Gas Station", -1488.75, 1875.25, 32.7}, // Location 31
{"Whetstone Gas Station", -1629.0, -2700.0, 48.6}, // Location 32
{"Desert Gas Station", -1309.5, 2703.75, 50.1}, // Location 33
{"Dilimore Gas Station", 664.5, -583.75, 16.4}, // Location 34
{"Abandoned Airport Fuel", 387.9, 2590.25, 16.5}, // Location 35
{"San Fierro International", -1152.25, -146.5, 14.2}, // Location 36
{"Easter Bay Chemical", -1033.75, -625.25, 32.1}, // Location 37
{"LS Ocean Docks", 2466.0, -2219.25, 13.6}, // Location 38
{"Bioengineering Corp.", 1347.5, 349.5, 20.0}, // Location 39
{"Greenglass College", 999.0, 1086.75, 11.0}, // Location 40
{"Fleischberg Brewery", -149.75, -220.25, 1.5}, // Location 41
{"Bayside Boatyard", -2430.75, 2310.5, 5.0}, // Location 42
{"LV Butcher", 977.5, 2096.75, 11.0}, // Location 43
{"SF Catering LTD", -1945.75, -1073.5, 31.0}, // Location 44
{"LS Donut shop", 1025.75, -1355.0, 13.8}, // Location 45
{"Porter's House", 2439.75, 114.5, 26.5}, // Location 46
{"Chuckup LTD", 1470.5, 1017.5, 10.9}, // Location 47
{"LS Warehouse", 2178.5, -2279.75, 13.6}, // Location 48
{"SF Supa Save", -2463.5, 782.0, 35.2}, // Location 49
{"Verona Mall", 1044.75, -1548.75, 13.6}, // Location 50
{"Las Venturas Mall", 2867.25, 2586.0, 10.7}, // Location 51
{"Vank Hoff Hotel", -2490.75, 337.5, 33.4}, // Location 52
{"Emerald Mall", 2056.75, 2251.25, 10.7}, // Location 53
{"LS Ocean Docks", 2574.25, -2223.75, 13.4}, // Location 54
{"Bayside Warehouse", -2285.0, 2281.5, 5.0}, // Location 55
{"Fleischberg Brewery", -18.5, -282.0, 5.5}, // Location 56
{"Las Venturas Stadium", 1377.5, 2245.75, 10.9}, // Location 57
{"P. Creek General Store", 2318.0, -92.5, 26.5}, // Location 58
{"LV Dirtring Stadium", 1112.0, 1451.75, 5.9}, // Location 59
{"The Pleasure Domes", -2697.0, 1402.5, 7.2}, // Location 60
{"4 Dragons Casino", 1903.75, 960.5, 10.9}, // Location 61
{"SF Financial Center", -2039.5, 467.5, 35.2}, // Location 62
{"Area 69", 134.54, 1945.79, 19.00} // Location 63
new ALocations[][] =
{"LS Construction Site"}, // Location 1
{"SF Construction Site"}, // Location 2
{"LV Construction Site"}, // Location 3
{"Avery Construction"}, // Location 4
{"Clown's Pocket Constr."}, // Location 5
{"Solarin Industries"}, // Location 6
{"Blueberry Truck Terminal"}, // Location 7
{"KACC Military Fuels"}, // Location 8
{"SA Federal Mint"}, // Location 9
{"Angel Pine Sawmill"}, // Location 10
{"Quarry"}, // Location 11
{"Quarry Top"}, // Location 12
{"Easter Bay Lumberyard"}, // Location 13
{"LS Papermill"}, // Location 14
{"Sprunk Factory"}, // Location 15
{"SF Medical Center"}, // Location 16
{"Angel Pine Junkyard"}, // Location 17
{"LV Freight Depot"}, // Location 18
{"LS Garbage Compound"}, // Location 19
{"LV Industrial Estate"}, // Location 20
{"EasterBoard Farm"}, // Location 21
{"SF Hill Farm"}, // Location 22
{"Pecker's Feed & Seed"}, // Location 23
{"San Fierro Port"}, // Location 24
{"LV Refinery"}, // Location 25
{"LS Refinery"}, // Location 26
{"Countryside Gas Station"}, // Location 27
{"SF Xoomer Gas Station"}, // Location 28
{"SF Gas Station"}, // Location 29
{"LS Going Station"}, // Location 30
{"Xoomer Gas Station"}, // Location 31
{"Whetstone Gas Station"}, // Location 32
{"Desert Gas Station"}, // Location 33
{"Dilimore Gas Station"}, // Location 34
{"Abandoned Airport Fuel"}, // Location 35
{"San Fierro International"}, // Location 36
{"Easter Bay Chemical"}, // Location 37
{"LS Ocean Docks"}, // Location 38
{"Bioengineering Corp."}, // Location 39
{"Greenglass College"}, // Location 40
{"Fleischberg Brewery"}, // Location 41
{"Bayside Boatyard"}, // Location 42
{"LV Butcher"}, // Location 43
{"SF Catering LTD"}, // Location 44
{"LS Donut shop"}, // Location 45
{"Porter's House"}, // Location 46
{"Chuckup LTD"}, // Location 47
{"LS Warehouse"}, // Location 48
{"SF Supa Save"}, // Location 49
{"Verona Mall"}, // Location 50
{"Las Venturas Mall"}, // Location 51
{"Vank Hoff Hotel"}, // Location 52
{"Emerald Mall"}, // Location 53
{"LS Ocean Docks"}, // Location 54
{"Bayside Warehouse"}, // Location 55
{"Fleischberg Brewery"}, // Location 56
{"Las Venturas Stadium"}, // Location 57
{"P. Creek General Store"}, // Location 58
{"LV Dirtring Stadium"}, // Location 59
{"The Pleasure Domes"}, // Location 60
{"4 Dragons Casino"}, // Location 61
{"SF Financial Center"}, // Location 62
{"Area 69"} // Location 63
CMD:work(playerid, params[]) // Using ZCMD
if(Work[playerid] == 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "You are already working at the moment. Type /stopwork to stop working.");
new string[140];
new rand = random(sizeof(TruckLocations));
new rand2 = random(sizeof(TruckLocations));
format(string,sizeof(string),"Deliver From %s to %s.", ALocations[rand][0], ALocations[rand2][0]);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFF00FF, string);
Work[playerid] = 1;
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, TruckLocations[rand2][0],TruckLocations[rand2][1],TruckLocations[rand2][2],7);
return 1;
CMD:stopwork(playerid, params[])
if(Work[playerid] == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "You are not working at the moment. Type /work to begin working.");
Work[playerid] = 0;
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFF00FF, "You are no longer working. Type /work to begin working again.");
return 1;
public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid)
if(Work[playerid] == 1)
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFF00FF, "You have successfully delivered the goods.");
new string[140];
new rand = random(sizeof(TruckLocations));
new rand2 = random(sizeof(TruckLocations));
format(string,sizeof(string),"Deliver From %s to %s.", ALocations[rand][0], ALocations[rand2][0]);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFF00FF, string);
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, TruckLocations[rand2][0],TruckLocations[rand2][1],TruckLocations[rand2][2],7);
return 1;
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
Work[playerid] = 0;
return 1;